During his speech at the United Nations General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emphasized Israel's stance on the governance of Gaza post-war. Netanyahu stated that Israel would reject any role for Hamas in a post-war Gaza, highlighting the need to demilitarize and deradicalize the region to prevent future conflicts.
Netanyahu made it clear that Israel's objective was not to resettle Gaza but rather to support a civilian administration committed to peaceful coexistence. He expressed readiness to collaborate with regional and local partners to facilitate the establishment of such an administration in Gaza.
The Prime Minister's speech underscored Israel's determination to ensure that the current round of fighting would be the last, emphasizing the importance of demilitarization and deradicalization in achieving long-term peace and stability in the region.
Netanyahu's address at the UN General Assembly shed light on Israel's vision for Gaza's future governance and its commitment to working with partners to support a peaceful and sustainable solution for the region.