While I can cope with an auto‑checkout machine audibly thanking me for shopping at Morrisons as I leave, being met by its screen message “Lovely to see you” on arrival is just bizarre (Letters, 30 July).
Melvyn Rust
St Albans, Hertfordshire
• In the green debate in London, Rishi Sunak has said that he is “on the side” of motorists. Should he ask himself whether he is on the right side of history as the wildfires rage?
Bernard Brownsword
Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire
• We now know that HS2 is officially “unachievable” (Report, 30 July). Surely I am not the only one to mutter “If you’re in a hole, stop digging”?
Ian Constable
Tring, Hertfordshire
• “Have we missed your favourite children’s TV show?” (Crocs, Clangers and custard-eating aliens: the 50 greatest ever children’s TV shows, 31 July). Of course you have, because you did not include The Magic Roundabout! Shame.
Andrew Bailey
Gresford, Wrexham
• I do hope that I’m not alone in expressing my surprise that small children can also enjoy The Clangers, Pingu and Hey Duggee.
Ian Grieve
Gordon Bennett, Llangollen canal
• Hear, hear, John Loveridge (Letters, 28 July), whose mother made blackberry vinegar. My grandmother made raspberry vinegar. We always had one giant yorkshire pudding in a rectangular tin with the raspberry vinegar and sugar as a “pudding”. Delicious.
Lynn Wiseman
Lewes, East Sussex
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.