Anakin and Ahsoka have quite the Star Wars history, and, with the new Disney Plus show right around the corner, there's never been a better time to get up to speed on their story.
Rumors have been swirling that Hayden Christensen will return as Anakin Skywalker in the Ahsoka show, and we dive into what we know on that below – along with an overview of the duo's history in The Clone Wars, where Ahsoka Tano is during the prequels, and much more besides. If you haven't got time for a proper binge-watch session, we've got all you need to get your knowledge up to scratch.
So, for the lowdown on Anakin and Ahsoka, head to the below. For even more on the upcoming show, try our guides on everything you need to know about Star Wars Rebels, what to watch before Ahsoka, and how to watch The Clone Wars in order.
Is Ahsoka Anakin's Padawan?

Ahsoka is indeed Anakin's Padawan learner – or at least, she was, before she walked away from the Jedi Order (more on that later).
In an Ahsoka featurette, Clone Wars creator Dave Filoni talked about developing Ahsoka with George Lucas. "Originally, we didn't know what The Clone Wars would be," Filoni reflected. "There was a Jedi, and there was a Padawan. We thought, 'We'll put them on adventures', but George had other ideas. He says, 'Well, let's give Anakin Skywalker a Padawan.' I was like, 'Anakin doesn't have a Padawan.' And he just looked at me and said, 'Anakin has a Padawan.' That was basically it, that's how Ahsoka came about."
How do Anakin and Ahsoka meet?

Ahsoka is introduced in The Clone Wars feature length animated movie, which was released in 2008 and is set in between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. We catch up with Anakin and Obi-Wan undertaking a mission on the planet Christophsis, with Obi-Wan expecting the arrival of his new Padawan. When Ahsoka shows up, however, she says she's been sent to be the apprentice of Anakin Skywalker.
To say Anakin is unhappy with this is an understatement, but, naturally, he warms up to his Padawan as the movie goes on and Ahsoka proves herself as more than capable.
The duo even have affectionate nicknames for each other: Ahsoka calls Anakin "Skyguy," and Anakin calls his apprentice "Snips" (after he accuses her of getting "snippy" soon after their first meeting).
What happens to Anakin and Ahsoka in The Clone Wars?

The Clone Wars ran for seven seasons, so, as you can imagine, Anakin and Ahsoka go through a lot, both separately and together. The key thing to know is that the duo form an incredibly strong bond across the course of the series.
If you want to get a feel for their Clone Wars dynamic, some of the most important arcs featuring Snips and Skyguy are:
- Second Battle of Geonosis – this arc sees Ahsoka and fellow Padawan Barriss Offee trapped and thought dead. Anakin doesn't give up on saving his apprentice, though, even when fellow Jedi Luminara Unduli urges him to let go. It's also a great demonstration of their back-and-forth banter. (Season 2, episodes 4-8)
- Mortis – you can read a deep dive on what goes down on Mortis in our World Between Worlds explainer. The key thing to know is that Ahsoka is killed, but Anakin – thanks to some Force shenanigans – is able to revive her. (Season 3, episodes 15-17)
- The Citadel – Ahsoka sneaks onto a dangerous mission despite Anakin forbidding her from joining. (Season 3, episodes 18-20)
- Deception – Obi-Wan fakes his death to go undercover as a bounty hunter (long story), but Ahsoka and Anakin set out together to bring his murderer – the very bounty hunter Obi-Wan is disguised as – to justice. (Season 4, episodes 15-17)
- The Jedi Temple bombing – Ahsoka is accused of a crime she didn't commit. Anakin believes her and tries to help her, but, ultimately, it's too much for Snips and she leaves the Jedi Order. (Season 5, episodes 17-20)
- The Siege of Mandalore – by now Ahsoka has left the Jedi Order and travels to Mandalore without Anakin. But, the duo briefly cross paths again in a reunion that's both heart-warming and heart-breaking. (Season 7, episodes 9-12)
Why does Ahsoka leave Anakin and the Jedi Order?

Ahsoka ultimately walks away from the Jedi Order, leaving Anakin behind, in one of the show's most emotional moments. It all goes down after the Jedi Temple hangar is bombed by an unknown assailant. Ahsoka is framed for the crime and is put on trial, with the future Grand Moff Tarkin making an appearance to prosecute the young Padawan (Padmé defended her).
Anakin believes in Ahsoka's innocence and eventually uncovers the truth, exonerating his apprentice entirely. Unfortunately, though, Ahsoka's faith in the Jedi Order is so shaken that she chooses to leave – handing Anakin her Padawan braid and walking into the distance.
The duo only see each other again in The Clone Wars one more time, very briefly in the final arc of season 7.
Where is Ahsoka in the Star Wars prequels?

Ahsoka slots seamlessly into the Star Wars canon – but you might be wondering just where she is in the prequel films.
Since The Clone Wars takes place between Episode 2 and 3, you wouldn't expect to see Ahsoka in The Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones. Her absence in Revenge of the Sith is explained in The Clone Wars season 7. While the dramatic events of the final prequel film are going down, Ahsoka is battling Darth Maul as part of the Siege of Mandalore, helping out Bo-Katan Kryze.
By the time Ahsoka is finished on Mandalore, Anakin has already fallen to the dark side, which means Snips is forced to go on the run amid Order 66. She survives, though she has no idea what became of her former Master until later.
Does Ahsoka know Anakin is Darth Vader? How does she find out?

At first, Ahsoka has no idea that Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader are one and the same. She discovers the truth in Star Wars Rebels when she encounters the Sith Lord in a space battle. What she senses is so shocking to her that she passes out.
Snips has her suspicions confirmed when she comes face to face with Vader in the Rebels season 2 finale, in a Sith Temple on the planet Malachor. The duo cross blades and go head to head in a duel. It looks as if the unthinkable has happened and Vader has killed Ahsoka – she doesn't return until season 4, thanks to Ezra Bridger rescuing her via the World Between Worlds.
Is Anakin returning in Ahsoka?

Hayden Christensen is indeed returning as Anakin Skywalker in Ahsoka. His involvement was a closely guarded secret, reported in the press and then denied by star Rosario Dawson, but a Star Wars merchandise description seemed to confirm his return. Eventually, a teaser featuring new dialogue from Christensen's Anakin was released, both confirming his return and suggesting we'll be getting Clone Wars flashbacks.
Ahsoka arrives with a double season premiere on Disney Plus this August 23. For even more on the show, check out our guides to Sabine Wren and Grand Admiral Thrawn.
As for what else the galaxy far, far away has in store, see our roundup of all the upcoming Star Wars movies and TV shows.