OK, we gotta make this quick because we’re working on our new show Hot Department: Wet Heat for Melbourne international comedy festival. So: the internet. A wonderful, disgusting, horrific place that shaped our childhood and personalities. Here is a short list of videos that made us, broke us and built us back up. You’re welcome and we’re sorry.
1. This reporter being chased by a turkey
Look, controversial opinion, but she deserved it. #TeamTurkey #sheknowswhatshedid
2. Aunty Donna: Dad Comes Home from Work
Our baby boys are always making us laugh. What’s better than playing cock goblins and Chicken Tonight? Watching three grown men kiss.
3. 30 Rock
30 Rock is what brought us together. When we met during O-week we spent 10 minutes quoting 30 Rock as we walked to our first house party where we later split off and got fingered separately. It was the most beautiful night of our lives.
4. Fortin’ with Will – Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
An ex we share showed us this video. We may have lost our dignity in that breakup but we gained Tim and Eric, and a weird attraction to incontinence. Now everytime we hear the sound of running water we cry, imagining all that could have been. Our ex was Antonio Banderas. Z is for “you broke our hearts you cold bastard”. Thank you for teaching us how to love.
5. Cole Escola: serial killer documentary
If we could we would fill this whole list with just Cole Escola – it’s hard to pick just one. Every character they come up with is genius and hilarious, never have we felt more seen and understood. If you’re reading this, Cole, let’s grab a coffee sometime, so we can murder you and eat your heart to gain its magic, you hot witch.
6. Sexy American Girls
Natasia Demetriou is another one who we could binge-watch all day long. She and Ellie White are insanely hilarious. Sexy American Girls is the perfect mix of perfect and perfect. Also, a cameo by Claudia O’Doherty? Yes, thank you.
7. Driver’s Ed – I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson
Put Patti Harrison in anything and it’s freakin’ funny. Put her in a Tim Robinson sketch and it’s art.
8. This awkward rap battle
We love watching men slowly die inside but persevere. Mix that with rap? Yum.
9. Emma Holland on TikTok
Emma has an incredible backstory: she started off as a beauty vlogger and influencer who turned to comedy to truly express herself. Or maybe we dreamed that. Point is, she’s our son, or should be, and one of the funniest people we know.
10. Maria Bamford
We wish Maria was our mum, or like an aunty or something.
Hot Department are performing at Super Fun Day in Brisbane on 18 March, Melbourne international comedy festival 30 March to 23 April and Sydney on 4, 6 and 7 May