Fortune is partnering with market research and data company Statista to look for Europe's Most Innovative Companies, and you can help with the search.
The list recognizes 300 companies revolutionizing their industries through product innovation, process improvements, and a culture of innovation.
Innovation can spark in a multitude of ways: research and development teams that invent new products; efficient processes padding a company’s bottom line; inspiring leaders who foster the brainstorming and collaboration that inspire original creations.
While Statista will be independently evaluating thousands of companies, we encourage each company to register for consideration in this ranking to help us create a comprehensive overview.
Company representatives can register their businesses for consideration using this online form.
The survey is conducted independently by Statista. The final list of top companies will be published on Fortune's website next year. Check our editorial calendar for the exact publication date.
The deadline to register a company for consideration is Feb. 21, 2025.