Hi guys,
Thank you for the amazing insight on Sri Lanka's economic crisis in the previous podcast. With the recent Ram Navami "celebrations", I personally feel like we are moving towards a theocracy and I only wish India takes a turn towards a secular democracy.
I have a request! Could you throw some light on the lockdowns in Shanghai and the political power involved that's causing chaos there.
Hope you and your staff are safe and the goons who manhandled your staff are put to justice.
@Abhinandan, the manatees aka sea cows are pronounced man-uh-teas. Yes, the English breakfast kind :)
My dear Newslaunderers,
I know Abhinandan does not like this term but had it not been for the person who coined the term, I would not have discovered this amazing venture called Newslaundry. Accustomed to the NDTV style of news, I remember during 2012-13 I was intrigued by the anti-establishment (how things change!!!) and brazen way of presenting news by Arnab Goswami on Times Now. So, I wanted to know more about him and my Google search landed on one of the articles on him on Newslaundry.
And from there I got hooked, as my interest in media and news itself grew and Newslaundry was able to give a candid, accessible and fun perspective to Indian news and politics.
This was when I just finished school. And now, after about 10 years, I have gone through college with its ups and downs, through the period of being a "berozgar naujawan", and finally landed a job. I am able to proudly say I am a subscriber and no more a mufatkhor. More power to the whole NL team.
Increase the word limit.
Hello Newslaundry,
I am a recent subscriber and the reason I was drawn to the subscription was to listen to NL Hafta's complete version. I admire Anand Vardhan's thoughts and comments on these podcasts. He is very knowledgeable and it makes me feel so dumb in comparison, haha.
I would love to see more of South India's political situation discussed on these podcasts too. For example, my home state of Telangana. Hyderabad is very interesting to watch since seven different parties (maybe more) are now competing for the next year's elections, including AAP, BJP, Congress, YSRCP, TDP, TRS and MIM.
Dear NL team,
Admire the great work you do. I am from Kerala, and recently upgraded from monthly to yearly subscription hoping that you grow faster and start NL Dhulai in Kerala. With over a dozen of newspapers, and more 24x7 news channels, the place is ripe and eagerly awaiting for your services.
To mention a few events – a news reporter brokered between government, forest official and smugglers. Biased reports based on fudged K-Rail data, and claims and counter claims like elsewhere. In NL words, it is all newsance over there. Come soon to Kerala.
Thank you,
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