Granny flats could be rented out to non-family members under changes proposed by the South Australian government to help ease the rental crisis.
Planning Minister Nick Champion has written to the State Planning Commission, calling for fresh practice directions so councils can't restrict who can lease a granny flat.
The government is also looking to amend the Rental Tenancies Act to reflect the new arrangements.
The changes aim to increase rental stock, place downward pressure on rental prices and provide more affordable housing options, Mr Champion said.
"This type of accommodation plays an important role in helping families care for relatives," he said.
"But we want to give property owners the opportunity to offer it to the broader community."
Current planning rules don't prohibit people from leasing granny flats to a tenant outside of their immediate family.
But many councils have routinely added a condition to development approvals preventing the option.
The planning commission will consider the minister's request at its next meeting on Thursday.
If approved, the changes will immediately come into effect.