Ganton, Jawai, Glorious Sunshine, Streek and Wisaka caught the eye when the horses were exercised here on Sunday morning (Sept. 11).
Outer sand:
600m: Star Fling (rb) 42.
800m: Magnetism (S. Kamble), Skylight (M.S. Deora) 58.5, 600/45. Former finished three lengths in front. Nagada (Khet Singh) 57,5, 600/45. Easy. Autumn Shower (rb), Ms. Boss (Khet Singh) 59, 600/42. They were urged, latter finished two lengths in front.
1000m: Royal Pearl (P. Sai Kumar), Strong Breeze (Koshi Kumar) 1-10.5, 800/56, 600/42. They moved well, former finished three lengths ahead. Vulcanic (S. Kamble), Ibrahimovic (P.S. Kaviraj) 1-11.5, 800/57, 600/43.5. A fit pair. Catelyn (B. Dharshan) 1-10.5, 800/58, 600/45. Eased up. Fine Future (rb) 1-12.5, 800/59, 600/45.5. Moved freely. Martingale (rb) 1-12.5, 800/58.5, 600/45. Urged. Bienfaisant (rb) 1-12.5, 800/58.5, 600/44. Extended. The Intimidator (rb) 1-7.5, 800/55.5, 600/43.5. Worked well. La Jefa (rb) 1-10.5, 800/57.5, 600/43.5. Moved freely.
1200m: Jawai (rb), Magical Wave (B. Dharshan) 1-24, 1,000/1-8.5, 800/56, 600/43. They moved impressively. Ganton (rb) 1-22, 1,000/1-8, 800/55, 600/43. A good display.
Inner sand:
600m: Star Of Texas (rb) 43.5. Extended.
800m: Royal Baron (rb), Royal Glamor (rb) 1-3, 600/48. Eyes Of Falcon (rb) 57, 600/42.5. Fit. Pacific (A.M. Tograllu) 54, 600/40.5. In good condition. Dun It Again (Ram Nandan) 56, 600/41.5. Handy. Streek (rb) 51.5, 600/37. Pleased. Full Of Surprise (Ram Nandan) 53.5, 600/39.5. Stretched out well. Carreno (M.S. Deora), Little Wonder (B. Dharshan) 56, 600/41. They moved together. Pirate’s Love (Ram Nandan) 53.5, 600/40. Strode out well. Gingersnap (B. Dharshan) 54.5, 600/41.5. Well in hand. Golden Streak (rb) 1-1.5, 600/46.5. Mystify (rb), A 2-y-o (Lord Admiral - Zulima) (B. Dharshan) 1-0.5, 600/45.5. They were easy and level.
1000m: Cuban Pete (rb) 1-9.5, 800/55.5, 600/40.5. In fine trim. Paris O’Connor (Inayat), Glorious Evensong (rb) 1-16.5, 800/1-2, 600/47. Musanda (rb) 1-4.5, 800/53.5, 600/42.5. Impressed. Hallucinate (Farid Ansari) 1-15, 800/1-0.5, 600/46. Easy. Ashwa Dev (rb) 1-13, 800/58, 600/43. Shaped well. Suparakiga (A.M. Tograllu), Wisaka (rb) 1-5.5, 800/52.5, 600/39.5. Latter showed out. Kikata (Khet Singh) 1-11, 800/57.5, 600/44. Gloorious Sunshine (rb) 1-7, 800/52, 600/39. Moved attractively. Cloud Jumper (Ram Nandan) 1-12, 800/57, 600/42. Glorious Destiny (rb) 1-16, 800/1-0, 600/47.5. Easy.
1200m: Katahdin (A.M. Tograllu) 1-22, 1,000/1-7.5, 800/55, 600/43.5. Worked impressively. Desert Storm (rb) 1-25.5, 1,000/1-10.5, 800/56.5, 600/44. In good shape. Hope And Glory (Koshi Kumar) 1-24.5, 1,000/1-10, 800/56, 600/43. He moved well within himself. Asgardia (rb) 1-30.5, 1,000/1-15, 800/1-0, 600/46. Moved freely. Abilitare (S. Imran) 1-31.5, 1,000/1-16.5, 800/1-1.5, 600/46.5. Bella More (rb) 1-26, 1,000/1-12, 800/59, 600/45. Eased up. Ocean Love (rb) 1-31.5, (1,200-600) 42.5. Alexandre Dumas (rb) 1-22.5, 1,000/1-9, 800/54, 600/41. Fit for the fray. Amore (M.S. Deora) 1-22.5, 1,000/1-9.5, 800/57, 600/45.5. Moved on the bit.