Elsa Pataky.
and , and featuring his (also hot) wife
The pic showed the fam having a laugh as Pataky shoved one of the twins faces right into a chocolate cake. I personally enjoy the actor in prime dad-stance while their dog does zoomies in the background but clearly that’s because I’ve stared at this pic for too long.
According to the caption, the cake slam was because one of the twins said “Hey mum, I don’t like chocolate cake I prefer vanilla.”
Pataky, being a woman after my own heart, let her actions speak louder than words and shoved that kiddo’s head so deep in that cake he’ll be tasting out of his nose. Miss Pataky let her intrusive thoughts win that day and I salute her. Another reason why I question whether I should procreate.
But while Hemsworth was happy to share with his 56.3 million Insta followers, not everyone thought it was sweet.
“Yeah, not cool. I would never want another birthday cake in my life. Also, it’s rude to everyone else who might be eating that cake (or what’s left of it). It’s gross, rude and a good way to ruin your kid’s birthdays for the rest of their lives,” one user said.
“Why do people think this is funny?” another said, with another user remarking that it’s “so violent.”
Other commenters warned about the dangers of promoting smushing kid’s heads into cakes because sometimes bakeries shove toothpicks in there to stabilise them (?!?!). Despite the fact that the cake in question is akin to a Coles mud cake, not a wedding cake with multiple tiers.
While many fans voiced a negative opinion of the smashing birthday celebrations, other fans were able to see the joy in the candid pic.
“It’s one of the simple pleasures of motherhood!!” one wrote.
“Violent? It’s a bit of play!” another responded.
“Those kids are gonna grow up able to take a joke not be some little fairy who thinks having their head dipped in frosting is violent,” a user said.
I don’t know if this my Aussie sense of humour coming through but I genuinely see nothing wrong with this. Everyone is having a laff, presumably Hemsworth knew there were no toothpicks (??!?!) in the cake and I find it hard to believe that a child growing up in a multi-million dollar abode with two mega-famous parents is going to be scarred forever bc one time his mum smooshed his face into a cake.
It’s even slightly refreshing to see two celebs enforcing the age-old saying “you get what you get and don’t get upset.”
The story even got picked up by overseas outlets like . All of a sudden, this perfectly harmless prank is a global incident? Yikes.
Ultimately, this is silly. Push your kids heads into cakes and let the intrusive thoughts win, or don’t. I don’t care.
Let’s just simmer down in celebrities comment sections when it’s something as mild as this, okay?
this cute candid moment Page Six
The post Folks Are Irked By This Pic Chris Hemsworth Shared Of His Kid’s Bday & Kim, People Are Dying appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .