Monday marked the first official day on the job for new Fayette County Attorney Angela Evans. Evans said she spoke with her staff about the public calling of the office. Evans becomes the first African American to hold this prosecutorial office in Lexington, something she doesn’t tire of commenting about.
“We still have a long way to go in making it the norm for women or African Americans to hold these executive positions, but so I think we still need to talk about it,” said Evans.
Evans said her interests as county attorney include looking at broadening diversion programs. She said it’s important to maintain accountability when it comes to district level offenses, but also examine ways to keep youthful offenders out of the criminal justice system.
Evans, a former urban county council member, said more young people see violence in one form or another.
“That have so much access to more, or exposure, I won’t even say access, but exposure to violence than so many of us did growing up. It actually produces a different kind of person,” said Evans.
And while parental engagement is very important, Evans said sometimes those adults are incarcerated or dealing with substance abuse and mental health issues. The new county attorney noted there are fewer social service programs to supplement the parent's role in the family.