A groomed brow can make all the difference to how you look - even if you aren't wearing a scrap of make-up - such is the power of a defined eyebrow. In fact, Refy Beauty founder Jess Hunt (known for her own brilliant arches and Brow Sculpt, which is hands down one of the best brow gels ever to hit the market) says, "a sculpted brow can really elevate your look and make you feel pulled together." As eyebrows frame the face, many of us turn to professional help to have them tended to - from threading and tinting to eyebrow waxing.
Waxing is an effective, long-lasting way to maintain eyebrow shape and aesthetic, and you can get it done pretty much anywhere.
Here's everything you need to know if you're new to the technique or just need a refresher...
What is eyebrow waxing?
One of the most common hair removal methods all over the body, waxing is particularly effective for the brows. In the simplest terms, "brow waxing [...] uses a warmed-up wax applied to the eyebrow area to remove unwanted hair and shape the brows," explains Yana Gushchina, Founder of Browfique.
"The wax adheres to the hair and, when pulled off, removes the hair from the root, leaving behind a clean and defined brow shape. It differs from other techniques like threading or tweezing in that it covers a larger area and can remove multiple hairs at once."
What are the benefits of brow waxing over other treatments?
There are several reasons why waxing is beneficial for brow hair removal, but if you're after longer gaps in between treatments and want things done quickly then waxing is probably for you.
"Waxing is very efficient in removing hair from the root, resulting in a smooth and long-lasting outcome," notes Yana. "Shorter hairs are able to be removed easily, and it also helps in shaping the brows more precisely and quickly, giving a clean, defined look."
Using wax can also help maintain these results for longer, as hair is removed directly from the root and therefore takes a while to grow back. Yana adds, however, that waxing "is no more beneficial to the brows than other treatments like threading or tweezing." It's more about preference than anything.
When it comes to choosing your hair removal method, there are a few things to consider - pain tolerance levels and skin sensitivity.
"Some people find that threading or tweezing feels painful and they would rather have waxing which removes more hair in one go, rather than individually," says Yana. "However for some people, it’s the opposite and they find waxing to be more painful, so it really depends on the individual."
Those with sensitive skin or using certain medications that can thin the skin or make it more sensitive (like retinoids) may find that they want a more gentle hair removal treatment, as sometimes waxing can cause redness or irritation. This can be down to the fact that waxing pulls the hair and the skin at the same time, exfoliating the top layer of skin and leaving it more sensitive.
Yana adds that the aesthetic results of waxing may also come into play: "Anyone looking for a more defined brow shape or for those who have a lot of hair to remove and want a quicker process than tweezing or threading, waxing is a great choice."
How long does a wax last?
This is all very dependant on your personal hair growth patterns, as some may find re-growth occurs much more quickly than others, and vice versa. However, "typically, waxing results can last anywhere from two to six weeks before new growth becomes noticeable," says Yana. Having regular appointments can help with overall maintenance.
What is the best eyebrow wax aftercare?
Just as with any beauty procedure, there are certain rules you'll want to follow in order to keep skin safe and boost results. The first one, says Yana, is to "try to allow the skin time to breathe before you apply makeup on top." She explains: "applying heavy makeup directly after waxing can cause pores to become blocked, or could cause the skin to react, leading to breakouts."
She also says you should try to "avoid hot baths, saunas, or harsh skincare products for at least 24 hours, as these could irritate the sensitive brow area or cause pores to clog, leading to breakouts."
Most technicians, like the ones at Browfique, will apply a soothing post-wax lotion to calm the skin and reduce inflammation and irritation. Once you get home, you can continue to nourish the area with a product containing soothing oils and invest in a brow taming brush will also help your new arches to look sharp.