Will Emmerdale's Belle King stand up to controlling Tom in Tuesday's episode? (ITV, 7.30pm, see our TV Guide for full listings).
The last thing Tom King wants is his new wife Belle furthering her career so he's kept quiet about some work that's come up at Take A Vow.
Suzy and Belle have been talking about working together for some time and Tom's made it clear he's not happy about it at all.
With Belle having said she's not ready to start a family quite yet Tom's simmering with resentment and is determined to do all he can to stifle his wife.
But Tom comes unstuck when baffled Suzy has a conversation with Belle who, realising what her husband has been telling lies, covers for him.
It's yet another red flag joining onto a long line of other red flags about Tom's controlling behaviour. But will Belle call out her husband or has she become too scared of him?

Amit and Pollard get to know each other and learn they're pretty like-minded… Ish.
With Pollard feeling like his Parkinson's has taken away his freedom, he jumps at the chance of some excitement when Amit presents him with a business proposition.
But will Pollard realise that Amit is toadying around him and is only interested in his juicy bank balance?

Aaron's on hot bricks around Chas who's still fizzing with happiness about her son's supposed negative test result.
So he's massively relieved when Paddy and Mandy turn up at the Woolie, taking the spotlight off of him.
It's the first time Chas and Mandy have seen each other since "the kiss".

Expecting a gobful from Mandy about her kiss with Paddy, Chas is relieved when she says she wants to draw a line under it.
Is Mandy really OK about Paddy's kiss with his ex-wife?
Emmerdale continues weeknights from 7.30pm on ITV see our TV Guide for full listings.