The wreckage of a car that went over the edge of Strzelecki lookout in Newcastle on Friday evening, killing the driver and only occupant of the vehicle, remained in a twisted heap on the rocks below on Saturday morning.
A family member of the driver, who tragically died in the incident, sat hunched and distraught at the scene on the cliff edge above, where flowers had been left near the broken railing.
Several witnesses saw the car go over the cliff edge on Friday evening, around 7.30pm, sparking a concerted and extended emergency response that stretched into the night.
At the summit, specialist police and firefighters abseiled down the rock face to reach the crash site while officers with searchlights scoured the waterline.
Emergency services remained at the scene well into the night, past 11.30pm, as concerned onlookers gathered on the city's memorial walk.
Police were quick to advise that there was no immediate risk to the public and later told the Newcastle Herald that a report would be prepared for the coroner's information.
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