Alcohol and drug abuse experts in Dundee are seeking help planning their future strategies. The Dundee Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) is asking people - including local communities, those with lived experience of drug and alcohol use challenges, and the workforce - to help decide what is included in its new five-year strategic plan.
The ADP brings together partners from a range of local organisations including NHS Tayside, Dundee City Council, Police Scotland and voluntary sector services.
It also has representation from two local Councillors and a representative from the Lifeline Carers’ Group.
The organisation is is responsible for developing a local strategy for reducing the harms from alcohol and drug use and supporting wellbeing and recovery of people who experience longer-term challenges from drug and alcohol use.
It is now developing a new strategic plan which will cover a 5-year period.
This will consider the recommendations from the update report from Dundee Drug Commission, national policy - this is what the Scottish Government asks all ADPs across Scotland to include in their plans - and importantly the views of local communities and people with lived experience in Dundee.
The ADP will use the plan to decide where funding will be spent and to regularly check that progress is being made.
It will also make it available to the public so that anyone who wishes to do so can share their thoughts and ideas about what they are doing.
The ADP are looking for suggestions and ideas in relation to four strategic aims which have identified based on its understanding of current priorities.
These have been informed by feedback they have received from a range of stakeholders, including local communities and people with lived experience, over the last few years.
- Locals who think they can help can take part in the anonymous survey and questionnaire here.
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