A Dublin mam fears she may have to pack her bags and leave her council flat in Ballybough due to rising damp.
The damp has been a constant problem for Emma Losty and her son since they moved in 10 years ago, with her and her son's health steadily declining.
A lack of action has left the Dublin woman feeling desperate.
Emma told Dublin Live: "We're living here in the flat 10 years and I can't breathe. My son is 18 and he's got bronchitis since he was growing up. I can't even sit in the sitting room because of the damp, it's ruined TVs and blinds can't even be put up because the walls are so damp."
Emma said she can't even cook in the flat and that there are also issues locking the front door.
She said: "When we go out we have to stuff the door with tissue because it won't lock properly. I'm waiting years for a new door."

In addition, Emma said that they also have an infestation of silverfish in the flat because of the rising damp and mould.
"We're in Ballybough on Poplar Row and a lot of my neighbours have moved out because of damp in their flats, it's a disgrace. I'm sitting here shivering because the vents were put in four years ago and the radiators aren't working.

"I'm on an inhaler and I'm breathless when I go up the hill, I have to have little breaks. When you wake up in the morning in the bathroom you can breathe in the damp, it's on your clothes and you can smell it. The Council needs to do something to help us."
A spokesperson for Dublin City Council said: "Dublin City Council has a clearly outlined policy for all tenants to report maintenance queries and deals with all issues in as efficient manner as possible.
"If tenants have issues with the timeframe for repairs they should contact their local Housing Office who will be happy to provide an update."
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