The Oil Fuel Fund board on Monday resolved to keep the subsidised price of standard diesel in Greater Bangkok at 34.94 baht per litre until the end of this month.
Wisak Watanasap, director of the Oil Fuel Fund Office, said the subsidised price would remain unchanged even though the Platts diesel reference price dropped from US$134.14 per barrel on July 15 to $128.51 last Friday.
The decline in the global price reduced the non-subsidised diesel price to 37.39 baht per litre, and the diesel subsidy by the Oil Fuel Fund thus went down to 2.45 baht per litre. The subsidy had been at 3.46 baht per litre last week and was almost 11 baht per litre in May and June.
Mr Wisak said as of Sunday, the Oil Fuel Fund was 115 billion baht in debt, up from 113 billion baht the previous week.
The loss consisted of 75.57 billion baht from oil price subsidies and 39.47 billion baht from subsidies on the cooking gas price.
The retail diesel price at 34.94 baht per litre started mid last month.
There is no subsidy on premium diesel.