Reporters monitoring the Supreme Court's calendar noticed an item pop up for Monday hinting that they may be looking to decide on the matter of Trump's Colorado primary ballot eligibility, which will likely set a precedent for other states trying to boot him.
As The New York Times points out, the announcement said Monday’s opinion or opinions would be posted online starting at 10 a.m and that the court will not take the bench, which is unusual practice for a decision such as this one and a move likely influenced by the electoral calendar.
Colorado was the first to propose that Trump should be ineligible to appear on their ballot under the basis that he "engaged in insurrection" and should therefore not be allowed to hold office. Following in the state's lead, Maine and Illinois made the same moves, which have also been hanging in the balance awaiting the Supreme Court's decision which, as of Sunday's news, seems to be right around the corner.
This will be the first time since the Bush v. Gore decision of 2000 that the Supreme Court has had such direct involvement in an election.