COREY Breceljnik was "grabbed" by accused murderer Russel Rajapakse and "dragged" out the front of a house on the Central Coast in the minutes before he was stabbed to death over a drug rip at Cessnock, a jury has heard.
Mr Rajapakse has also pleaded not guilty to aggravated assault with intent to rob and his three-week trial in Newcastle Supreme Court is focusing on whether it was Mr Rajapakse who inflicted the fatal stab wound to Mr Breceljnik's left armpit during a struggle over the stolen drugs.
The jury has heard Mr Breceljnik and three friends organised to steal an ounce of ice from a drug dealer at Cessnock on the night Mr Breceljnik was stabbed to death.
The group drove from Watanobbi to Cessnock, spoke to the dealer and then took off with about 11 ounces of methamphetamine.
The group from the Central Coast - including Mr Breceljnik - eventually got away and headed back to Slim Close, Watanobbi, where they split up the stolen drugs.
The jury has heard that Mr Rajapakse and his friend, Anthony Lawlor, were contacted by the aggrieved drug dealers and asked to retrieve the stolen drugs.
About 10 minutes after the group arrived back in Watanobbi, there was a knock on the door from Mr Rajapakse and Mr Lawlor, the jury has heard.
The pair were allowed into the house and things seemed fine for about 10 minutes until the subject of the stolen drugs was raised and Mr Rajapakse allegedly said: "I'm going to need to get that ounce back", Mr Breceljnik's friend, who organised the drug rip, said on Monday.
He said Mr Breceljnik told Mr Rajapakse and Mr Lawlor he didn't have any of the stolen drugs and was then repeatedly called a liar.
"When Corey was saying he doesn't have anything, Lawlor turned around and said: "He is f---ing lying, Russ. Just give me the blade and let me stab this c---"," Mr Breceljnik's friend gave evidence.
He said Mr Rajapakse didn't answer Mr Lawlor and he never saw a knife.
"Russel ended up grabbing Corey, putting his arm around him and gripping him on his shoulder," Mr Breceljnik's friend said. "He reached out for me and said "f--ing come here" and went to grab me but I jumped back. I remember he started pulling Corey out the front and they stopped in the hallway and then he dragged him out the front. I just remember freaking out."
Mr Breceljnik's friend said he was stopped from going outside by his mother and didn't see what happened.
But about a minute later, Mr Breceljnik returned and had "blood everywhere".
He was rushed to hospital but died the next day and medical staff told police they found two grams of methamphetamine stashed in a bag in his underpants.
The trial, before Justice Sarah McNaughton, continues.