Strength training isn't just for muscle-bound men and women in the gym; it's for everyone. Doing it regularly will not only help you build muscle, it will also strengthen your bones and joints, improving your mobility and reducing your risk of injury.
If you're looking for a simple routine to get started, try this seven-move strength session from fitness trainer James Stirling (London Fitness Guy). It works your entire body using just a couple of dumbbells.
To do it, perform the seven exercises for 12 repetitions each, resting 20 seconds (or more, if needed) between each move.
Watch the London Fitness Guy's full-body strength workout
Stirling's top tips
To make this routine as effective as possible, Stirling recommends choosing a challenging weight: "If it’s too comfortable in the last few reps, go heavier," he says.
Your body adapts to handle new challenges, so by tasking it to lift a really heavy dumbbell you'll achieve the stimulus needed to build strength.
You'll need to keep increasing your weights if you want to continue to get stronger. This process is called progressive overload and it's the key to building muscle.
A pair of adjustable dumbbells can be a great tool for training this way at home, offering plenty of weight options in one compact package.
Benefits of this workout
Stirling's workout is time-savvy and accessible. You can do it at home, as long as you have 30 minutes to spare and a set of dumbbells.
The compound exercises he's chosen will work every major muscle group in your body, including the arms, shoulders, back, chest, legs and core. It's a comprehensive routine that should build full-body strength.
Your bone density, joint strength and mobility will also be boosted by strength training, leaving you less susceptible to injuries.
Need some help choosing weights? Our guide to the best adjustable dumbbells can help.