Now I’m in my late 60s, I have started using a hearing aid, and on a recent autumnal walk was delighted to discover that the birds still sang at this time of year (Bird and birdsong encounters improve mental health, study finds, 27 October). I had become so used to hearing only the occasional twitter of a bird when almost within arm’s reach that this experience was like discovering the joy of being outdoors for the first time. I now wait for spring, when I hope to hear the cuckoo once again.
Sue Hunter
Brockenhurst, Hampshire
• Thérèse Coffey has said Cop27 is “just a gathering of people”, so hardly worth the prime minister attending (Report, 28 October). Her arrogance and lack of moral concern are amazing. The only good thing about her move to the environment job is that she won’t be wrecking the NHS.
Peter Brooker
West Wickham, London
• Judging on past performance, should the climate summit perhaps be called Copout27?
Rod Moreton
Ampleforth, North Yorkshire
• Graham Head suggests that the NHS stands alongside the BBC as an admired British institution (Letters, 28 October). The Open University might sit comfortably with these remarkable bodies.
Stephen Chicken
Swinton, Scottish Borders
• The most meaningful way we can display our opposition to Qatar’s human rights stance is for a team to withdraw from the World Cup. How about England taking this brave step? Others might follow.
Rob Maloney
Solihull, West Midlands
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication.