The widow of a billionaire financier has made a historic donation to cover tuition for students at a New York City medical school, alleviating one of the most common sources of stress among students. Dr. Ruth Gottesman announced her significant contribution to the students and faculty at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, bringing tears of joy and cheers from the relieved students.
The Bronx, where the college is located, is known as the city's poorest borough and faces health challenges. Ruth's generous gift ensures that no student at the college will have to pay tuition again, a remarkable gesture that will impact the lives of many aspiring doctors.
Ruth's donation, the largest ever made to a medical school, will provide reimbursement of spring semester tuition for fourth-year students and free tuition for incoming students starting in the fall. This move aims to attract applicants who may not have been able to afford medical school otherwise.
Ruth, a 93-year-old who has been affiliated with the college for over five decades, has a long history of contributions to the field of pediatrics and learning disabilities. Her late husband, David 'Sandy' Gottesman, left her a significant portfolio of Berkshire Hathaway stock, empowering her to make this impactful donation.
The $1 billion gift will allow new doctors to start their careers without debt and expand the diversity of the student body. This initiative not only addresses the issue of accessibility in education but also aims to produce well-trained and compassionate physicians who can contribute to healthcare excellence.
Dr. Philip Ozuah, president and chief executive of Montefiore Einstein, praised Ruth's initiative in promoting accessibility in education, emphasizing that access is the path to excellence in healthcare. This move follows a trend set by other institutions, such as New York University, which started offering free tuition to medical students in 2018, leading to a surge in applications.
This generous act by Ruth Gottesman is a testament to her commitment to education and healthcare, setting a new standard for philanthropy in the medical field.