Leader of the Nationals Barnaby Joyce has called on the newly elected Labor Government to honour the Coalition's commitments to the Hunter region.
During the election campaign the Coalition announced commitments including:
- $268.8 million to build the Muswellbrook Bypass
- $100.0 million to make the Port of Newcastle 'hydrogen ready'
- $56 million to upgrade Mandalong Road
- $55 million to make Newcastle Airport an international hub
- $15 million for the Bulga-Milbrodale Water Supply Project
- $2.7 million to upgrade the Hunter Regional Livestock Exchange
Mr Joyce said Labor was obliged to deliver on the funding commitments.
"The Nationals and Liberals understand the importance of the Hunter to our economy. Unlike Labor, our investments are aimed at making this region stronger and wealthier, not weaker and poorer," Mr Joyce said.
"Under our $7.1 billion Energy Security and Regional Development Plan, the Coalition committed $750 million to the Hunter to bolster existing industries and support the development of new ones.
"This money is locked in through the budget, only the Labor Party can cancel it now
"These investments will strengthen the industries that drive our economy and underpin our standard of living. Without them, our ability to pay for the essential services all Australians rely on becomes much harder."
Labor did not respond to Mr Joyce's challenge.