The casting director for Greta Gerwig‘s Barbie has divulged which actors were supposed to star as Kens in the film but ultimately had to decline due to scheduling conflicts. I honestly would not have guessed some of these names, so make sure you’re firmly seated lest you fall over in shock in the middle of a café.
In an interview with Vanity Fair, casting director Allison Jones revealed that SNL actor and Aussie-born king Bowen Yang, Schitt’s Creek superstar and light of the world Dan Levy and the internet’s most complicated ex-boyfriend Ben Platt were all offered roles as Kens.
“They were, I’m not kidding,” said Jones.
“Really bummed they couldn’t do it.”
Unfortunately for us, all of these boys couldn’t make it to set after COVID limited a big chunk of filming to London, which explains why there are so many British actors in the film.
According to Jones, Ken wasn’t the only role that folks turned down.
Jonathan Groff was initially offered the role of Allan but had to say no due to scheduling conflicts.
“Dear, dear Jonathan Groff was like, ‘I can’t believe I’m typing this,” said Jones, “but I can’t do Allan.”
It’s hard to imagine anyone other than Michael Cera in the role of Allan, but I will admit that Groff does kinda look like the OG Allan doll.
As for the role of the main character Ken, also known as Beach Ken, that was pretty much on lock for Ryan Gosling from the moment the script was written.
In an interview with SiriusXM, Gerwig admitted to Gosling that the script always had the role written down as “Ken Ryan Gosling”.
“We pretty much wouldn’t take no for an answer,” she said to Gosling.
“We just kept bothering you.
“Margot was like, ‘Is it weird if I go to his house?’ I was like, ‘Don’t go to his house. We’re just gonna stay put.’ Send a follow-up text.”
It looks like everything worked out in the end for Barbie. Honestly, I have no notes about the casting, everything was PERFECT.
The post Barbie’s Casting Director Revealed The Actors Who Turned Down The Chance To Be A Ken appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .