Both Houses of the Kentucky Legislature are taking action to override many vetoes offered by Governor Beshear. That was anticipated. Possibly what wasn’t expected was the GOP-led Senate and House deciding not to override the veto on HB 8. Senate Majority Floor Leader Damon Thayer said the governor doesn’t have the constitutional authority to line-item veto a revenue bill. When asked if the matter might end up in court, Senate Budget Committee Chair Chris McDaniel replied, quote, “we’ll have to find that out.”
“Do I think he veto will stand up. No, I don’t. I think the Constitution is fairly clear about what he can veto and that’s appropriations measures, not revenue measures,” said McDaniel.
The revenue bill is the tax collection side, not spending money as found in appropriations.
A statement from Crystal Staley, Communications Director in the governor’s office says, “The Governor’s actions were legal and constitutional, and the administration has already won a similar legal case on this matter.”
The two line-item vetoes deal with a sales tax exemption covering gold and a provision for tax amnesty that the governor calls an unfunded mandate.
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