Eastern Kentucky communities ravaged by the floods of 2022 are getting 15-hundred free trees. Governor Beshear made the announcement Wednesday. Chris Wiedamann is the urban and community forestry program coordinator for the state Division of Forestry.
“We'll be distributing trees to be planted on private property to help increase the canopy in areas impacted by flooding to increase all the benefits that trees provide in those areas.”
The program is a partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation and State Farm Insurance. Over the next three Saturdays, a total of 1,500 trees will be given away at UK Cooperative Extension Service offices in Letcher, Perry and Breathitt counties. People in neighboring counties are welcome to them, too. Wiedamann said planting a tree is an act for the future.
“That is hope and investment in the future and so, those trees will grow and you know, it's also the growth of the community. Planting those trees is an act of investing in the future of the community.”
Wiedamann said trees also help reduce flooding.
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