Mild tension prevailed at Velagapudi village and at the Assembly when the police took the Sarpanches into custody, who tried to organise ‘Chalo Assembly’ demanding to release funds to the villages.
The Sarpanches, who gave ‘Chalo Assembly’ call managed to reach Velagapudi village and they tried to seize the Assembly, on Tuesday.
However, police foiled their protest and took them into custody. Later, they were shifted to different police stations.
Earlier, police served notices to some Sarpanches, detained a few protestors in their houses and warned them not to participate in ‘Chalo Assembly’.
Sarpanches were demanding to release about Rs.8,660 crore funds, meant for taking up development works in villages, which were reportedly diverted for other works and take steps for development of villages.
At Vuyyuru, in Krishna district, AP Panchayati Chambers State president Y.V.B. Rajendra Prasad was reportedly kept under house detention, and few other Sarpanches were kept under house detention.
Police said that there was no permission for Sarpanches ‘Chalo Assembly’.