Bard Billot on the boozy Mayor
Happy Hour
The High Council of Kings Landing
Gather in the great banquet hall
Of the Elders of Te-Whanganui-a-Tara.
The Grand Druidess calls the meeting to order
By tapping her dessert spoon on a cheeky bottle
Of 2019 Champagne Moutard Dame Nesle Pinot Noir Rose NV.
A delegation of worthy merchants and costermongers
Shuffle into the great hall to call for mercy in the
Let's Get Kings Landing Moving Golden Mile
Traffic Resolutions Oral Hearing (Part 7, Subsection Z.)
The Grand Druidess looks up from her menu
And moves that the High Council relocates
To the No Quarter Steakhouse and Bistro
In order to support the local hospitality industry.
Debate rages as a counter resolution is put
Demanding the High Council relocate instead
To the Majestic Dragon for Peking Duck.
Swinging upside down from the chandeliers,
The Grand Druidess demands “do you know who I am?”
To the rebel Majestic Dragon faction.
Her personal sommelier answers promptly:
“Kings Landing Wine Critic of the Year, 2023.”
The sound of breaking glass and uproarious laughter
Fills the Banquet Hall, as the Elders start to dance on the tables
And the Finance Sub Committee starts a conga line.
“I hereby adjourn happy hour,” announces the Grand Druidess
As she makes for the doors,
Nimbly sidestepping two waiters and a row of bouncers
Before sprinting towards Courtenay Place,
Trailed by a forlorn Maitre’D waving a bill
Like a small white flag of surrender.
Victor Billot has previously felt it his civic duty to compose Odes for Mayor Wayne Brown, Mayor Ben Bell, and mayoral flop Leo Molloy.