Nearly 20 per cent of dengue cases that were detected in Mysuru reportedly originated from Bengaluru. People with travel history of visiting Bengaluru have reported to have told the health authorities that Bengaluru could be their source of infection. They told the health workers after testing positive that they could have been infected during their visit to Bengaluru.
“Bengaluru has been reporting more dengue cases. The patients in Mysuru told us about their travel history and narrated how they could have been infected – source of infection. Based on their accounts, we have analysed the cases and about 20 per cent of the cases could have had their origin in Bengaluru,” said District Vector Borne Diseases Control Officer Chidambar.
He said the infected must ensure they are not bitten again by mosquitos that bite in daytime to control the dengue spread. “We often tell the patients to use mosquito nets to avoid mosquito bites. Our advice is not taken seriously on many occasions but our staff continue to educate the people hoping to bring some change. The patients need not have to isolate themselves but stay away from mosquitos which is again a challenge,” Dr. Chidambar explained.