If you have an injury that’s been bothering you, or you’ve been experiencing symptoms and you’re not sure what the cause is, don’t let it continue into the New Year – now’s the time to take action. From finding a holistic GP to a specialist who can help identify and (hopefully) treat the issue, we’ve got all the experts here to help you.
Reach out to an expert urologist for your prostate problems

Men with serious prostate issues could find a solution at Sage Urology. Led by consultant urologist Marc E Laniado, the clinic provides private urology services in London and Windsor, focusing on treating problems such as prostate enlargement.
An untreated and enlarged prostate can impact a patient’s quality of life and, in severe cases, may cause painful urinary issues requiring catheterisation.
Traditional surgical options like transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) may not work for everyone, particularly those with larger prostates or those who use a catheter. A new, high-tech solution is here to help — introducing a special holmium laser with advanced ‘Moses’ technology, called En Bloc HoLEP.
It works by removing the blockage and facilitating better urination, aiming to result in improved bladder control and a shorter hospital stay.
Patients can also benefit from Aquablation, an innovative technology using robotically controlled waterjets to remove blockages in precise places, which could help maintain sexual function in men with larger prostates.
Book your appointment at sageurology.co.uk
Put your cosmetic needs in the hands of a professional

Mr Khalid Ali is a consultant ENT surgeon and a leading expert in the field of rhinoplasty. Specialising in facial plastic surgery, he has trained at leading medical institutions across the globe and has been practising for more than 27 years.
He holds a place on the registrar of consultants with the General Medical Council. As well as this, Mr Ali is a certified consultant in cosmetic surgery of the nose, ear and face by the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
His practices are located at the prestigious Harley Street, in London, and Manchester. Mr Ali has a specialist interest in rhinoplasty surgery for cosmetic and functional needs, and has a track record of carrying out complex reconstructive surgery, including revision surgery, which requires precision and dexterity.
Find a surgeon who takes a holistic approach

The prospect of meeting a general surgeon may not be appealing until the need arises. When faced with troublesome issues such as gallstones, an abdominal wall hernia or severe acid reflux, deciding who to trust can be challenging.
Mr Camprodon, a leading figure in the field, employs a holistic approach centred on patients as a whole, rather than focusing solely on their specific health concerns.
His dedication and commitment to achieving the best outcomes ensure that patients can expect to receive the best care. Being research-ready focused, Mr Camprodon positions himself at the forefront of best practices, leveraging the latest techniques and approaches to provide personalised care. This enables him to deliver an outstanding patient experience.
Ensure high standards and modern technology for cosmetic surgeries

Simon Heppell OBE is a consultant plastic surgeon specialising in microsurgical breast reconstruction in the NHS, with a private practice principally at Adnova Clinic in Fareham.
His specialist interests are breast and body surgery. Adnova Clinic offers the latest technology and highest standards including a bespoke day case surgical facility, VASERliposuction, Renuvion skin tightening, breast enhancement surgery along with augmentation, lift and reduction, abdominoplasty, circumferential body lift and both arm and thigh reduction.
There are also clinics and surgeries performed at Spire Hospital Havant for overnight stay requirements, however, VASERlipo and Renuvion are only available at Adnova Clinic.
Get help to tackle urinary discomfort

Professor Anthony Mundy is professor of urology and consultant urological surgeon at UCL Hospitals, as well as operating privately. He’s committed to helping patients with problems affecting the urinary tract.
In men, this is commonly related to the prostate and advancing age. In women, it’s mainly related to urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence and urinary infection are common problems at all ages and affect both sexes, sometimes as a result of major injuries or the treatment of other conditions such as cancer of the prostate or cervix by surgery or radiotherapy.
Achieve facial symmetry with orthodontics’ ‘FAB Principle’

Moira Wong Orthodontics (MWO) provides treatments using the Face, Airway and Bite (FAB) principle to achieve a youthful smile and a symmetrical, well-balanced face.
This is done by realigning crooked teeth, correcting uneven spacing and repositioning the jaw. For children with underbites or overbites, these are best treated when the bones are still growing; diagnosing at an early age with treatment commencing during the growing years from age eight upwards.
Orthognathic treatment (jaw repositioning) and facial deformity are usually treated when growth is complete (late teens to early twenties).
Sleep apnoea, chronic daytime fatigue and poor-quality sleep can be associated with increased upper airways resistance leading to forward posturing of the head, open mouth breathing and snoring. These are just some of the issues addressed at MWO.
Find the right treatment for your spine condition

Suffering from pain in your neck or your lower back? It might be due to spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the spaces within the spinal canal.
This commonly occurs in the neck (cervical spine) and the lower back (lumbar spine) and can lead to compression of the spinal cord and the nerves helping with the functioning of the limbs.
Many people with spinal stenosis may have no or just mild symptoms, but some experience pain with or without numbness and tingling — this could lead to muscle weakness affecting walking, balance, grip strength and fine movements.
Spinal stenosis can be treated with lifestyle changes, physiotherapy, medications and injections. In some cases, surgery may be required.
Get expert help with knee injuries

An anterior cruciate ligament injury, common in sports, is a debilitating setback affecting the knee and is often associated with tears of the cushioning cartilage (meniscus).
The anterior cruciate ligament stabilises the joint, and often occurs during sudden changes in direction, pivoting or direct impact; symptoms include a popping sensation, swelling, instability and pain.
Recovery from an anterior cruciate ligament injury involves rest, physiotherapy and surgery to reconstruct the ligament and repair meniscal tears (as required). Prevention strategies encompass proper warm-up, conditioning and employing correct techniques during physical activities.
These strategies can significantly reduce the likelihood of anterior cruciate ligament injuries and meniscal tears. Given the impact on mobility and athletic performance, timely diagnosis, treatment and diligent rehabilitation including surgery can play pivotal roles in ensuring a smooth recovery and return to regular activities post-injury.
Mr Malik treats elite and professional athletes as well as the weekend warriors. His expertise helps guide and support patients to get them back on the road to recovery.
Book your bespoke check-up today with one of London’s leading prostate specialists

Regular check-ups are essential for men to monitor prostate health. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, with risk increasing with age, and benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) is a common condition where the prostate enlarges, causing urinary symptoms such as frequent urination and weak flow.
With wide-ranging expertise and experience in BPH and prostate cancer, Mr Nkwam is regarded as a leading surgeon in his field so book an appointment today for your bespoke assessment.
Regular check-ups (including PSA test, prostate examination and MRI scans) are crucial for early prostate cancer detection, while treatment options for BPH include medication or surgery, depending on your symptom severity and prostate size.
Age well with the help of holistic medicine

We are living longer than ever before, but as we get older our health problems can often become more complex. In order to tackle this, it can be helpful to have a good specialist who can think laterally.
Dr Mashkur Khan is a holistic general physician who specialises in multi-system disease and multi-system pathology. His focus on issues that affect older patients — especially those with Parkinson’s disease and its variants, the modern management of dementia and memory loss along with syncope and blackouts, and diseases common in the ageing population — gives him a valuable perspective and he has a broad range of skills to tackle these challenges and help patients enjoy full and active lives.
Dr Khan has been a substantive consultant since 2002 and is currently an honorary senior lecturer at the University of London and has received a certificate of excellence for his teaching.
He’s the current section president of the gerontology section of the Royal Society of Medicine and has organised seminars on the biology of ageing.
Get help with chronic rib pain

Slipping rib syndrome (SRS) is a condition where the affected rib slips under the superior adjacent rib. During this movement, the intercostal nerve is trapped, triggering symptoms.
These can include persistent discomfort, sharp pain in the lower ribs along with a burning sensation and possible radiating symptoms to the anterior ribs or the back.
While still relatively unfamiliar to most healthcare providers, the condition accounts for approximately 5% of all musculoskeletal chest pain.
Initial diagnosis can be made with clinical examination and confirmed with a dynamic ultrasound along with intercostal nerve block injection.
Treatments include rest, analgesia, anti-inflammatory medication and surgery for the stabilisation of the rib, which can provide a definitive solution in selected patients.
Mr Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos is a central London consultant thoracic surgeon with an interest in minimally invasive and robotic assisted thoracic surgery.
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