The Zionist Organization of America on Thursday this week voiced opposition to concessions that the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly made to appease the U.S. administration.
Netanyahu’s office has denied media reports that he promised the U.S. President Joe Biden that he would freeze construction in Judea and Samaria in exchange for their first meeting since the prime minister took office on Dec. 29.
“Biden invited the Israeli Premier for an official meeting during a phone call on Monday,” said the White House. The meeting will likely take place this fall either at the White House or on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly in New York.
“We pray that the reports are not true,”said ZOA President and author Morton A. Klein in a statement
“But we are deeply concerned. Because any freeze on Jewish building is unconscionable antisemitic discrimination that violates Jews’ basic human rights; violates binding international law guaranteeing Judea/Samaria to the Jewish people; and is counterproductive. It rewards Arab terrorism and intransigence while sending a message that this is not really Jewish land, which it is.”
“No audience with a U.S. president is worth foregoing or freezing of the indigenous Jewish people’s birthright to build homes in our lawful, ancestral, G-d-given land. Agreeing to a freeze would be selling the Jewish people’s birthright for a bowl of porridge,” said the statement.
Klein also said that the ZOA is “deeply dismayed” by reports that Netanyahu who is also an author is looking to “moderate” his government’s proposed legislation to reform the judicial system by seeking a consensus on the matter.
“Waiting for supposed consensus would give veto power to the anti-democracy radical Left. The Israeli public voted for a government that would finally reform the autocratic, self-appointed judiciary, end judicial tyranny and judicial dictatorship. That should be consensus enough. As we’ve previously explained, judicial reform is in fact good for democracy and is needed for the rule of law. The great judges Robert Bork and Richard Posner wrote of the need to transform the Israeli Supreme Court’s tyranny,” said Klein.
Produced in association with Jewish News Syndicate
Edited by Judy J. Rotich and Newsdesk Manager