Zander Murray has become the first male senior Scottish footballer to come out as gay.
The striker - who currently plays for Lowland League side Gala Fairydean Rovers - has opened up about his sexuality, praising the support he has had from his Lowland League teammates. Now 30-years-old, Murray spent time with Airdrie and Motherwell during his younger playing days but admits he battled against his true self for years.
But now the frontman hopes his move to open up will inspire other players across Scotland to have the same strength to be themselves instead of suffering in silence. Zander even admitted that playing football has held him back in being honest with himself. The Glasgow-based player insists he knew from an early age that he was 'different' to his pals, but simply tried to fit in with the changing room banter. But now Murray hopes others struggling will be able to speak out, stating the supportive messages he has received have been incredible.
His announcement followed that of referees Craig Napier and Lloyd Wilson who came out in June this year. In an interview with the Lowland League side's website, he said: "Firstly it feels like the weight of the world is now off my shoulders.
"The reason I have decided to this now is twofold, firstly I was on holiday recently at a pride event and I have always been that closeted never to go to these things but I loved it. The vibe was brilliant and everyone was just being free and happy and it was great to just be me. I also want to help other players who are struggling with this as it isn't easy for men, especially footballers to deal with."
Talking about the reaction from his club and teammates, he added: "The lads at the club have been so supportive. I have a really strong bond with everyone at the club and I have been blown away by the support.
"Before coming out you think people will turn against you and you think the worst. It's been lovely how much support I have had.
"I have done lots of research and I always keep an eye on media outlets to see if there are any platforms for young gay male footballers for support but there are none. I would really like to look into and see what support can be given to other players to inspire them.
"In recent years Jake Daniels has come out and then Craig Napier and Lloyd Wilson who are both referees have done the same. Of course there are gay footballers in our game and I have had lots of players get in touch saying they have read my post and they can't believe how strong I am by doing this."

Murray also reckons there is a better level of support required for footballers in Scotland who are in a similar position to him. He said: "It can be difficult and you can feel very alone. I knew I was different for many years but with other people in the game coming out it's been amazing.
"Hopefully the SFA can work with other leagues and partners and look at support and drive how we help other players. That support is greatly needed in the men's game."