Yellowstone National Park on Saturday shared an impressive artwork created recently by a 12-year-old visitor named Kylie.
“How amazing is this?!” the park asked followers via Facebook. “Thank you, Kylie, for finding inspiration in Yellowstone and making us smile!”
Kylie showed the drawings to a ranger, who shared them with park staff. The drawings are rich with color and detail and show that you do not always need a camera to document your Yellowstone experience.
The Facebook post had generated nearly 500 comments by the time of this post.
“Wow, Kylie, your picture of our nature is amazing!” one follower observed.
Kylie brings to life the iconic bison, a grizzly bear, a moose, and a pronghorn family.
Also featured, a howling wolf, an osprey spreading its wings, a baby Canada goose chatting with mom, mountain goats and bighorn sheep.
“The osprey is my favorite! I want this on a shirt. Wouldn’t that be so cute?” one follower chimed in.
“Suitable for framing!” another comment reads. “Excellent work, Kylie.”
But some were as impressed by Kylie’s love of the outdoors as they were with her artistic talent.
Reads another comment: “Love to see that this young person truly appreciated the beauty she saw in nature.”