"X-Men '97" is just the second TV show to be released for Marvel in 2024. It's not even part of the MCU, but instead a reboot — or more accurately a sequel — of the popular "X-Men: The Animated Series" show from the 1990s. So you'd be forgiven if you thought this was simply a shameless nostalgia play by Marvel as they pull back on releasing content and get back on solid footing as a franchise.
And to be fair, this show is definitely a nostalgia play. From the very first second, that's clear. The theme song for the show is even unchanged from the original '90s cartoon.
But that doesn't mean it isn't also good. While having an affinity for the original show helps, after having watched the first two episodes, I don't think it's necessary. Especially as the show gets into a groove in episode two and starts creating its own story rather than catching up newcomers and explaining various aspects of the vast X-Men universe.
I'm not alone in that opinion either. Right now, the show has a perfect 100% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes from critics and audiences aren't far behind at 90%. The show isn't perfect, but it's good, and probably the best Marvel show since "Loki" season 1. Here's why it works so well.

Spoilers for the first two episodes of 'X-Men '97' follow
'X-Men '97' isn't just nostalgia
There's plenty of blatant nostalgia on display in this show's first two episodes. As mentioned, the theme is unchanged from decades ago and many of the original voice cast members are back. The animation style is slightly updated — and probably the show's biggest weakness — but it too is relatively unchanged. Rogue still talks in a ridiculous manner and Logan, aka Wolverine, still says "Bub."
But this show is already standing on its own. At the end of the first episode, Magneto is introduced in a jaw-dropping twist. Is it a twist that was spoiled in the trailer? Well ... yes, but it still works and is exactly what you'd expect from a top-tier TV drama rather than a reboot of a children's cartoon show.

In fact, Magneto's entire character arc through the first two episodes has been the stuff of prestige TV. While I have my doubts that this will be one of my top shows of 2024 (though not impossible!), this rendition of the famous X-Men villain may be one of my favorite TV characters of the year. In the second episode, he gets more than his fair share of monologues and they work. It's a show-stealing performance.
Again, there are flaws and things you might bump up against. The beginning of the first episode may be jarring for X-Men newcomers, as there's a lot of stuff you're expected to know at first. That said, as things go on the show does lay out exposition to bring you up to speed. And if this style of animation isn't for you, then even Magneto's excellence may not be enough to win you over.
But if you're open to not necessarily knowing everything that is going on and are fine with the animation style, this Disney Plus original is definitely worth watching. I know I'll certainly be keeping up with the rest of the 10-episode first season.