It's a common occurrence that people tend to take in their neighbour's parcels in the case that they may not be home. However, after taking in a parcel for a neighbour that was left on her porch, a woman received a patronising note demanding a refund for "stolen" goods.
Opening up her mailbox, she found an anonymous letter demanding that she fit the bill of $48 - the equivalent of around £40.55. Taking to Reddit to share the note, the woman was undoubtedly confused when she found no contact details for her to return the parcel of paper towels and paper plates.

She captioned the post: "I opened my mailbox to a blank envelope today that contained this letter…"
Including a photo of the letter amongst the parcel's belongings, it read: "Hello! We had a delivery that was left accidentally on your porch on 11-8.
"Considering the fact that our name and address was on the products, we thought you would have the decency to return the products.
"Please return our order, if you can't a refund of $48.11 will suffice. We have photos of our delivery on your doorstep.
"Please do the right thing. It is illegal to keep other people's mail."
Since sharing the photo, the post has rocketed in responses online and has received over 1,700 interactions.

Explaining the situation further, the woman clarified: " Earlier this week, I unexpectedly found a delivery on my doorstep as my DoorDash order was being delivered.
"The delivery driver asked if I wanted her to hand me the packages and I told her I was unsure why they were there and I was going to make a call first.
"I called my son for him to tell me that he did not place an order and the only information on the order was the orange tag seen in the picture above. No address and barely a full name.
"We just finished The Watcher on Netflix and I originally was terrified when I saw this in the mailbox and didn't want to open it."
She continued: "The two items that they are referring to and the only thing that was on my doorstep ($48.11) the big thing of Scott paper towels and the Walmart bag beside it and it contains a huge bag of paper plates. Nothing else. Paper towels and paper plates.
"We took the items inside after it became later and according to the cameras they were delivered early morning.
"We expected someone to come by or say something. Not put a passively aggressive letter in my mailbox. Now the unopened and still in the bag items (and letter) are back outside. In the rain might I add because no information.
She added: "There is no address, no return address, no phone number. Just the first initial and last name. No box contained these items.
"They were set exactly on my porch as seen in picture and stayed there for hours in hopes that someone would retrieve them.
"These items have remained unopened ever since. Four days later I received this blank envelope in my mailbox."
The comments revealed that the woman wasn't the only one who was confused by the ordeal as Redditors took their thoughts to the comments to discuss the peculiar note.
One person said: "In my opinion, your conscience is clear. They messed up. They should do the right thing and apologise for the inconvenience."
"They're just playing with you at this point," a different person suggested.
A different used penned: "Wow that's creepy; they thought you were supposed to just know it was theirs and what house to bring it over to. Why didn't they come over and say, hey our paper goods accidentally got dropped here and we’ll get them out of your way?!"
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