This week is Data Privacy Week, an annual campaign designed to raise awareness about respecting people's privacy, enabling trust, and protecting personal information online. It exists because every social media platform you log into, site you visit, and download you perform collects personal data. It's important that you take steps to protect this data, whether its using two-factor authentication or using one of the best VPNs on public Wi-Fi.
This information is typically later used by or sold to big tech companies, which use it to create and serve up targeted ads and for other advertising purposes. Many are dissatisfied with this arrangement, which is why online privacy and data protection have become critically important.
Improving your data privacy can be done in several ways, but one that most users typically don't pay enough attention to is app permissions. Join me below as I go into why reviewing these permissions is so important and why you should do it sooner rather than later.
Why is it important to review what permissions apps have?
App permissions can include access to your device's contact list, location data, microphone, camera, and storage, among other features. For instance, Google Maps requires access to your location in order to provide navigation services, and a photo app like Instagram needs access to your camera and storage to take and save pictures.
However, if a simple flashlight app requires access to your location or contacts, something is likely amiss. You should review your app permissions as this ensures that you can control what data is being accessed, as well as by who. Simultaneously, reviewing app permissions means that your sensitive information (such as contacts, photos, or location) is less likely to be exposed if it's not being accessed unnecessarily.
Malicious apps in general may ask for more permissions than they need to function properly for the purpose of stealing your personal data and relaying it to hackers (as mentioned above). Using this personal data, they can perform numerous malicious activities, including stealing your money and/or identity. But it doesn't end there.
Location tracking is another very real possibility, as apps with location access can discover your home or work address and know your whereabouts at any time. For instance, anyone with a grudge could use your location information for swatting attacks, data brokers could collect and sell your location data to the highest bidder, criminals could use your address to plan a robbery while you're away, hackers could use it for smishing, vishing, or other scams, and marketers could misuse it for profiling and advertising.
Then there's the chance of apps with special permissions downloading files, including malware to your device. Malicious software can then take over your device, request a ransom, or spy on you.

How to review your app permissions
Going into your system settings is a great first step to review what permissions you give to apps, as well as revoke any unnecessary ones.
Once you've gone through the permissions given to the existing apps on your device, it's also wise to remember the following best practices so you can avoid enabling dangerous apps in the future:
- Never underestimate big-name apps. The least-expect apps on your device can be the worst ones for your privacy. Despite giving the impression of being safe to use, don't skip analyzing the permission requests from well-known apps.
- Be proactive in app security. Installing security patches and updates is the best way to prevent hackers from exploiting app vulnerabilities.
- Only allow necessary permissions. Always think about which permissions an app needs in order to function. Deny permissions to apps that require access to data or a feature unrelated to its functionality.
- Always read app reviews and descriptions. Read reviews from other users to see if anyone has reported suspicious behavior or excessive permission requests before you install an app. If you go through the app store description and smell something fishy, it may be best to look for another app.

How to improve your data privacy
Even when using apps that you have no choice but to use for whatever reason (such as work-related apps, communication tools like email and messaging apps, etc.), there are additional ways to improve your data privacy. Some of these include:
- Using strong and unique passwords for each account. Using one of the best password managers will ensure that your passwords are stored and safe, as well as meaning that if one of your accounts is compromised, the rest of your accounts will be safe.
- Enable two-factor authentication. Not only will this add an extra layer of security to your accounts and the data held in them, it will alert you if someone is trying to access your accounts.
- Use a data anonymizing service. These services (e.g. Surfshark's Alternative ID or Apple's Hide My Email) mean that you don't even need to use your real data to make accounts, keeping your actual data safe.
- Use a VPN. Using one of the best VPN services, especially on public Wi-Fi, encrypts your internet connection and keeps your data away from those trying to snoop on it.