One innocent minority group that the Guardian is always ready to have a pop at is geography teachers – often, in your fevered imagination, clad in elbow-patched tweed jackets. Now you’re at it again (‘I was an absolute maniac’: punk legend Wreckless Eric on storming Spotify despite sounding like Mickey Mouse, 23 August). I would remind you that these are the people who first taught you about global inequalities and climate change.
Martin Brayne (retired geography teacher)
Whitehough, Derbyshire
• Your correspondent writes that real-terms pay for MPs has not actually increased in 10 years (Letters, 24 August). Why was that statement of the obvious chosen for publication?
Peter Bottomley MP
House of Commons, London
• One possible answer to Eira Hughes’s question about how one spends a £10m salary (Letters, 24 August) is there seems to be a growing number of shiny new boats with all the trimmings, steered by men in a dazzling selection of captain hats. My wife and I refer to them as “bankers’ bonuses”.
Ian Grieve
Gordon Bennett, Llangollen canal
• As I read through the article about the “brain drain” of cancer researchers and the funding of the EU Horizon project (Report, 25 August), I was reminded of Vote Leave’s bus slogan. Can Jeremy Hunt please explain where the additional money for the NHS has gone?
Linda Karlsen
Whitstable, Kent
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.