Romance doesn't get more disastrous than it did for Irina and Zack, Love Is Blind season 4's most problematic couple.
From the get-go, we saw red flags for Irina Solomonova and Zack Goytowski. At the start of the season, the 26-year-old event planner was quickly labeled as this year's "mean girl," laughing at other daters' expenses and needling Bliss Poureetezadi, Zack's other match, whom he eventually dumped in favor of Irina.
Given the way she behaved with fellow contestants—minus her partner in pettiness, Micah Lussier—it came as no surprise that Irina's courtship with Zack would be difficult to watch. It's immediately clear that she's not attracted to him—referring to him as a "cartoon character" didn't seem to help—and she thwarts all of his advances: hugs, kisses, and so forth.
While the other couples seemed to enjoy their Mexican honeymoon (while, yes, working out some kinks here and there), Irina was closed off immediately. "You got the worst part [of me]," Irina admitted to Zack. "I'm literally treating you so poorly. Like, I know it. I won't even look at you, touch you. You talk to me and I literally look away."
To viewers' delight, the 31-year-old criminal defense attorney ended things with Irina, and yes, there was justice for Bliss, as Zack and Bliss rekindled their romance. Though she proceeded cautiously, and understandably so, she eventually accepted Zack's proposal.
Obviously, we're anxious to see what they say at the altar—and what transpires during the *live* Love Is Blind season 4 reunion—but we can't help but wonder if Zack and Irina are on good terms...or any terms at all? Here's what we know?
Where do Irina and Zack, 'Love Is Blind's' disastrous exes, stand?
In an interview with TODAY on Friday, March 24, Zack revealed that he hasn't kept in touch with his ex.
"I have not talked to Irina since Mexico. She sent me text messages, but I honestly never responded to any of them," he revealed to the outlet.
In the same TODAY interview, Irina claimed it wasn't Zack's looks that deterred her, but just a feeling that something was off. (People were not buying it.)
"I will always trust my gut. And my gut just—he didn't do anything to make me not feel safe, but there was something in me that just felt like, 'This isn't right," she said.
As the season progressed, Zack further revealed in an interview with The Tab that he's forgiven his former fiancée.
"I've forgiven her for what happened. She knows what she did. And she's definitely dealing with an amplified backlash from it," he said.
For her part, on Sunday, April 2, Irina issued a public apology on Instagram for the way in which she treated those she met on the Netflix experiment.
"Even Zack, he was so vulnerable with me and I so mistreated him and shut him out. And I hope that one day I get to share my experience and what was going on with me emotionally during that experience," she said.
Is it too little too late? Maybe so!
Love Is Blind season 4 is currently streaming on Netflix. Here's the schedule for all of the upcoming Love Is Blind season 4 episodes. Be sure to check out other shows like Love Is Blind, too.