Keiran Goddard is right to say that too many novels that claim to portray working-class life just give us “recent arts graduate feels emotionally, financially and erotically unsatisfied” (Close to Home by Michael Magee review – Belfast struggles, 21 April). He then raves about Michael Magee’s novel about a “sullen man in his 20s who has returned to Belfast after university”. The gatekeepers of the publishing industry are, all too often, recent university graduates, white and middle class, who work as literary agents and assistants. Their peers fill the broadsheet culture sections.
Little wonder then that they can only recognise working-class stories when mediated through their own experience as graduates. The idea that there are other stories to be told and other working-class voices appears to bypass even your reviewer. I guess, given that most working-class kids are now being priced out of university, even the “recent arts graduate returns home” trope will soon focus solely on the lives of twentysomethings in the home counties.
Nick Moss