When Harry Met Sally... almost ended without the lead characters falling in love, as originally envisioned by director Rob Reiner. The initial idea was for Harry and Sally not to end up together, reflecting Reiner's own doubts about finding love after being single for a decade. However, a pivotal meeting with his future wife during the film's production led Reiner to change the ending to a more romantic one.
In a behind-the-scenes discussion, it was revealed that the first draft of the script did not have Harry and Sally getting together. Both Reiner and co-collaborator Nora Ephron initially preferred this 'true' ending but ultimately decided on a happier conclusion where the lovebirds unite at a New Year's Eve party.
The genesis of the iconic rom-com began with a lunch meeting between Reiner and Ephron, where various movie ideas were pitched. Eventually, their collaboration resulted in the creation of When Harry Met Sally... which celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2019.
Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal, the stars of the film, have spoken about its enduring legacy, while Reiner reflected on the universal truths about relationships depicted in the movie. Reiner emphasized the importance of incorporating both male and female perspectives in the creative process to capture the complexities of interactions between men and women.
When Harry Met Sally... continues to resonate with audiences of all generations, offering insights into the dynamics of romantic relationships. The classic rom-com is currently available for streaming on Tubi, providing viewers with the opportunity to revisit this beloved film.