A video of a pre-teen boy discussing what he’s worried about growing up has struck a chord with many social media users.
The teenage years. We’ve all had to go through them, and for most of us, they weren’t always plain sailing. But now there’s another generation of teens coming through, and if you’re a parent of older children you’ve probably found yourself asking questions like ‘How much sleep do teenagers need’ and ‘Why won’t my teenager talk to me anymore?’
It’s a real minefield, for parents and children alike. And many of us have been able to resonate with this video of a young boy, who’s soon to become a teenager, talking about his worries growing up. Posted by the popular Humans of New York account, which features people from all walks of life talking about their lives and their thoughts, you can watch the video below. But be warned, it really hits home!
“What worries me most about being a teenager,” the boy begins, “Is that, after some time, friendships drift apart. It doesn’t always happen, but it does.”
He continues, “There’s also parts of my childhood that I just don’t want to let go of.” He mentions things like being able to fit in his favourite shoes and clothes, which he’s expecting to outgrow, and says that you’ll “lose everything” as you grow up.
He finishes, “I just don’t want to let go, in general. I don’t want to let go of spending time with my parents, going to museums, going to everything. I mean, sure, I’ll continue. But then it’s gonna stop. At one point, it’s going to stop.
“I’m going to miss it a lot.”
One follower praised him, saying, “What a brilliant, compassionate child! He's going to do well.” Another urged him, “Don’t let go,” while one more warned, “Stop missing it in the moments you still have to live it!”
Another said, “Wow his awareness at his age is incredible but sad. Hope he enjoys being a kid and not worry too much about the future.”
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