Joe Jonas promoting botox and teaching so many young women that ageing is a bad thing, is really rubbing me the wrong way. Use it all you want, but don’t tell everyone they should hate getting wrinkles.
— Tessa (@TessaSneyers) August 17, 2022
YES! i AM embarrassed that joe jonas is in botox commercials!
— swarles barkley (@flickerandfade) August 17, 2022
that ad where joe jonas hawks botox is absolutely wild we are truly already living in the dystopian future
— e d (@psuedocrem) August 19, 2022
and PEOPLE Matty Galea is the Senior Entertainment Editor at PEDESTRIAN.TV, as well as our resident astrologer who pens our weekly horoscope series, ‘Your Horos Are Here’. He also Tweets about pop culture and astrology and posts spicy content on Instagram.I’d like to be clear, for the purpose of body positivity, @joejonas, Botox, and similarly used products are NOT *skincare*. It’s MINIMALLY INVASIVE PLASTIC SURGERY. Encouraging it behind the facade of *skincare* is blunt force trauma to any concept of body positivity. Not cool
— Ashley (@Umass_sweethart) August 17, 2022
The post What On God’s Green Earth Was Joe Jonas Thinking When He Agreed To Star In This Cooked Ad? appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .