NEW DELHI: The Wrestling Federation of India’s (WFI) much-awaited elections will take place on July 6 and the last date for receiving the names of electoral college has been fixed at June 19, returning officer (RO) Mahesh Mittal Kumar – a retired Jammu and Kashmir High Court Chief Justice – announced on Tuesday.
The Indian Olympic Association (IOA) had suggested July 4 as the date to conduct the elections while the government had set a deadline of June 30 to conclude the electoral process. The elections will be held for the following posts: president (1), senior vice-president (1), vice-president (4), secretary general (1), treasurer (1), joint secretary (2) and executive member (5).
The WFI’s Special General Body Meeting (SGBM) will take place on the sidelines of the election date (July 6), following which the polling, counting of votes and declaration of results will happen.
“Whereas, the last date of receiving two nominations from each State/UT for constituting the electoral college has been fixed as 5.00 pm of June 19, all the recognised wrestling federations of the states/UTs under the ratified constitution of the WFI and the guidelines of the ministry of youth affairs and sports (MYAS) are hereby called upon to nominate two persons each of the respective associations who are the members of executive body of such state/UT units, for the purpose of constituting the electoral college for the ensuing general election to elect members of the executing committee. The nominations must be sent in the prescribed format enclosed with the notification under the signature and seal of the respective federations by the president and the general secretary, but not later than 5.00 pm of the 19.6.2023. Any submissions made after the expiry of the said date and timeline shall not be considered valid for the above elections,” Kumar said in his election notification.
The preparation and display of the electoral college and circulation to affiliates will take place on June 22 while the submission of nominations for elections to the RO office in person will be done between June 23 and 25. The display of the nominations received will take place on June 27 and the scrutiny of nomination papers will be done on June 28.
The preparation and display of the list of validly nominated candidates after scrutiny of nominations will take place on June 28. The candidates can withdraw their candidature between June 28 and July 1. The final list will be displayed on July 2.