Planning for the new $30 million NSW government-funded Wentworth Health Service Redevelopment in the state's south-west is underway.
The new hospital and healthcare facility will replace the ageing Wentworth district hospital, which has serviced the regional community for 135 years.
The aim of the redevelopment is to better address the healthcare needs of the shire's growing population, which has tripled in the past 10 years to more than 8,000 residents.
It is hoped that the new facility, which is due for completion in 2024, will provide comprehensive and accessible healthcare to not only the growing local community but also the remote communities spread across the vast 26,000 km2 area serviced by the shire.
The COVID-19 pandemic has put additional stress on local healthcare services, with many residents seeking treatment across the border to access healthcare services in Mildura.
In the planning stages
The development of the new hospital is still in the early planning stages, with the community invited to participate in another round of information sessions being planned over coming months after previous online community consultations were not well attended.
The development of a master plan will be the first step for the works. This will involve the appointment of a lead consultant team, which will work with the Far West Local Health District (FWLHD).
However, the business case for the master plan is still to be completed, with a looming end-of-financial-year deadline for the $30 million grant fast approaching.
Consultancy firm Johnstaff was engaged to support the FWLHD to develop the plan, but have declined to comment.
NSW Health said the facility's design will be the result of collaboration with clinicians, operational staff and community members to ensure it can accommodate a range of health services.
Addressing the health needs of the community
Coomealla Health Aboriginal Corporation (CHAC) chief executive Summer Hunt said CHAC's partnership with the Wentworth redevelopment will streamline healthcare access, making it easier for patients to receive essential healthcare in their home town.
Ms Hunt hopes the new Wentworth health facility will address several longstanding issues that have been impacting the Indigenous community.
She said specialist Aboriginal health services at the new facility would need to include Aboriginal health practitioners, an increased mental health service, dental care, and allied health.
"Drug and alcohol detox and rehab facilities, and the distances to access them, has been a long-standing issue that impacts our community's ability and patients' willingness to engage for support," she said.
"Support with transport for tertiary hospital care continues to see CHAC provide transport services to Adelaide, Bendigo and Melbourne on a regular basis to access services that are just not available locally."
NSW Health said specialist clinical services planning was being finalised by the Wentworth Local Health District for the new facility.
New hospital, existing relationships
The location of the new facility remains unconfirmed, however the current Wentworth health precinct has been suggested as a likely location.
"The health precinct located centrally in Wentworth near the aged care facility, Murray House would mean that people can access a range of services that incorporates community and acute services, meaning ease of use for the community," Ms Hunt said.
A healthcare workforce for the new health facility will be supported by a workforce plan to train, recruit and retain staff to meet the future growth of the new Wentworth Hospital.
Wentworth Health Service's existing inpatient and ambulatory care services will continue to be provided.
Ms Hunt believes that co-locating CHAC within the Wentworth Health precinct multi-purpose service, will ensure the Indigenous community trust and access the service.
"Being able to support community members across the journey of their health needs in one location: be it preventative, community, acute or aged care needs, will provide not only great client outcomes but job satisfaction for staff engaged in this modified model of care," she said.