The Fujifilm X100VI Limited Edition is nearly upon us. Announced last month at the same time as the regular version of the Fujifilm X100VI, the Limited Edition offers a chance to get an incredibly rare version of one of the most popular cameras ever sold.
The Limited Edition doesn't offer any advanced features over the regular X100VI, instead coming with a few design flourishes to show off its uniqueness. It features an engraving of the original Fuji logo from 1934 on the top plate of the camera as well as the lens cap, and the camera will have its unique numbered edition engraved into the hot shoe. It also comes with a special strap, box, history card, and soft shutter to match the camera's aesthetic.
Here's the kicker, though: there is only going to be a total of 1934 of the Fujifilm X100VI Limited Edition produced! These will be distributed around the world, with each Fujifilm regional team deciding how best to assign its very limited allocation. So check out below how to best attempt to get your hands on your very own X100VI Limited Edition.
- Allocation: 300
- Sales start: Mar 21 2024 12:00EST
- Sales continue: Mar 22 2024 12:00EST / Mar 23 2024 12:00EST
- Price: $1,999.95
Fujifilm's US team has decided to forego a ballot system in favor of a first-come-first-served system, to shift its allocation of 300 X100VI Limited Edition cameras. With a population of a little over 300 million, that works out to around one camera per million people living in the US.
Unlike other locations around the world, which require an in-person visit to a Fujifilm store, you can (attempt) to buy the Limited Edition X100VI online when sales open on March 21 at 12:00 EST / 09:00 PST. There will be an initial batch of 100 Limited Edition X100VIs released on the first day, with a second and third batch being released on each subsequent day. Another 100 will be released at the same time on March 22, and the final batch of 100 coming on March 23 as the last possible day to get your hands on the camera.
There seems to be no way to get an advantage in securing your camera, so just make sure you are ready at your computer when the time starts, keep hitting refresh, and hope for the best!
- Allocation: 110
- Ballot opens: Mar 25 2024 08:00GMT
- Ballot closes: Mar 27 2024 08:00GMT
- Price: £1,934
Fujifilm UK has just announced that it will be using a ballot system for allocating its supply of 110 cameras. To be eligible for the ballot, you first must sign up to receive your ballot entry. Ballot entries will be emailed out to anyone registered on March 25 at 08:00 when the ballot opens. You then have around two days to enter your ballot into the draw, with the ballot closing on March 27 at 08:00.
Successful entrants will be drawn on April 02 and notified by email. The chosen few will be given 24 hours to confirm their purchase before being invited down to an exclusive event at the Fujifilm House of Photography in London on April 06 to collect their cameras.
With approximately 67 million people living in the UK's four nations, there are slightly better odds than the US, with one camera per 609,000 residents.
- Allocation: 75
- Ballot opened: Feb 20 2024
- Ballot closed: Feb 27 2024
- Price: $3,499
You snooze you lose, as the old saying goes. Australia's ballot for the Limited Edition X100VI has unfortunately been and gone, running for a week at the end of February right after the announcement of the camera. So if you are hoping to get your name down for one of the 75 cameras allocated to the approximately 26 million people who live in Australia, then you're out of luck – but there is always eBay if you will pay anything to get your hands on the camera.

Can't be bothered fighting it out for the Fujifilm X100VI Limited Edition? Check out our top picks of the best Fujifilm camera for more options.