Dog owners have been encouraged to get their pets vaccinated amid 30 deaths, mainly among puppies, in Michigan that have yet to been explained.
About 30 dogs are believed to have died of an unconfirmed disease in Michiagn’s Otsego County since June, MLive reported on Monday. Deaths have also been reported more than 100 miles north in Clare County, The Detroit Free Press reports.
Mainly puppies and dogs under two-years-old have died from the unconfirmed disease, officials in Otsego County were reported as saying. One pet was aged four-years-old.
“We haven’t heard of any that have survived,” said Melissa Fitzgerald, a control director at Otsego County Animal Shelter, to MLive.
She added in comments to 9&10 News that initial testing suggested parvovirus, a gastronomical illness affecting mainly young dogs and puppies, was detected in some of the dogs during a necropsy after testing had shown a negative result.
“Some of them were taken to veterinarians and were tested negative for parvo; however, there were a couple of necropsy that were done down at Michigan State University, and they came back positive for parvo,” Ms Fitzgerlad said. “It is more than likely a strain of parvo that is not coming up positive in a test, so just a different strain we are seeing,” she added.
Officials say symptoms have appeared similar to parvovirus, which is often fatal. Signs of an infection include vomiting and bloody stools and, according to MLive, dogs have mostly died within three days of falling ill with the unconfirmed disease.
In a statement addressing the dog deaths on Monday, the Michigan agriculture department said initial testing had shown that the dogs had died of a “parvovirus-like” illness, with similar symptoms, but that testing and further analysis was needed to confirm the type of disease.
“We are still in the early stages of this investigation, but some of the first samples submitted to the Michigan State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory were positive for canine parvovirus,” said state veterinarian Nora Wineland. “However, there are more results pending and more to be learned.”
Both puppies vaccinated and unvaccinated against parvovirus and other illnesses were among the fatalities from the outbreak, according to reports. Dog owners have been encouraged to ensure their pets are up to date with vaccinations for all canine illnesses.
“Parvo also stays in the environment for at least a year, so if it gets into your lawn, your dirt around your property, you can clean and clean and clean, but you could probably expect it there,” Ms Fitzgerlad added in comments to 9&10.
Michigan’s agriculture department said the parvovirus cannot be transmitted to humans or other animals.
The Independent has apporached the department for further comment.