Your shoulders may not be the most glamorous muscle to train, but that doesn't mean they're not important. Don't believe us? Just think how many times you use them every single day.
Whether you're picking something up from the floor, propping yourself up in bed or taking an item off the top shelf at the supermarket, a strong set of shoulders will make these tasks a cinch and protect you from possible injuries.
This shoulder workout will develop strength in this area using just five moves and a single set of dumbbells (or adjustable dumbbells, if you're fortunate enough to own a pair). It also has the bonus benefits of working your arms, developing core strength and boosting your balance—not bad, eh?
Designed by Sweat app trainer Britany Williams, the session challenges you to perform five exercises as a circuit for 10 repetitions each, resting for 30-60 seconds between each one. Complete three rounds of this circuit to finish the workout in roughly 20 minutes.
For demonstrations of each exercise, watch Williams' videos below. We recommend trying each one with a light weight to master the technique first, then progressing to the full workout when you feel ready.
Watch Britany Williams' dumbbell shoulder workout
Approaching this workout, you might be wondering, "What dumbbell weight should I use?". It's a tricky question, but one we can help you with.
Williams advises using a weight heavy enough to leave you needing to rest between exercises. However, what you don't want to do is pick a weight so heavy that you're forced to compromise on your form, as this can put you at risk of injuring yourself and mean you miss the intended stimulus of the movement.
Instead, try to find a middle ground. Pick a dumbbell weight that feels extra challenging for the last few repetitions of each set as your muscles' grow tired, but still allows you to perform all repetitions with perfect form. Do this and you're well on your way to an effective shoulder-strengthening workout!
As mentioned above, this can help when performing many everyday tasks. But it will also improve your performance in the gym (or during home workouts) as this joint is pivotal to many popular exercises.
For example, healthy shoulders are a must when learning challenging bodyweight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups and dips.
After you've finished this workout, you'll want to give your shoulders at least 24 hours to recover and grow. So, the following day, you might want to try one of our recovery day workouts, or focus on another body part with these leg workouts.