This week we look at all the TV news tamasha around the Supertech twin towers demolition in Noida. TV anchors gave us breathless coverage starting from almost two days before the actual event. They jumped in Audis and Jeeps, got into CGI helicopters and gave us countdowns to the blast. Republic TV boasted that they had 100 cameras to cover the demolition.
This week also had some depressing news when it comes to crimes against women. A tragic case of a young girl, Ankita, set on fire by her stalker, Shahrukh, hit the headlines. And two similar cases of teenage girls being attacked by ‘jilted lovers’ came to light in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. Meanwhile, the latest NCRB data told us that crimes against women saw an increase of 15 percent in 2021. Instead of focussing on the issue at hand, Aman Chopra of News18 India used the Jharkhand case to carry forward his nightly agenda of whipping up communal hatred. Navika Kumar used the case to make comparisons with the outrage over the release of Bilkis Bano's rapists. If there is anything more shameful than men getting away with committing heinous crimes against women, it is how the usual suspects among TV news anchors cover many such cases.
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