Ainsley Harriott sprung into action to help a woman who had fallen into a water feature of the first day of the Chelsea Flower Show.
The TV chef came to the aid of the woman after watching her trip and fall into the water as DIY SOS host Nick Knowles was reportedly among a number of famous stars to have watched on in horror.
The dramatic scenes unfolded on the opening day of the horticultural showstopper of the year.
The water feature was part of the BBC Studios’ Our Green Planet and RHS Bee Garden display.
The 65-year-old chef reportedly pulled the woman to safety along with several others before she was treated by paramedics and rushed to hospital.
One onlooker told The Telegraph: “The garden was packed with lots of people and I think the woman must have fallen into the pond or tripped over and ended up in the water.
“I think she nearly drowned. She was pulled out by Ainsley Harriott and some other celebrities before they laid her down on the floor. She was coughing up lots of water.”