Today in Things We Didn't Have on Our 2025 Bingo Card: Travis and Jason Kelce got into a fairly passionate debate about wedding seasons this week during the Jan. 8 episode of their New Heights podcast.
The topic was brought up by a caller during the "No Dumb Questions" segment near the end of the episode. The caller, William, was either genuinely going through it with his girlfriend about potential wedding dates or trying to covertly get Travis to talk about weddings in the hopes of a Taylor Swift reference. Or maybe both.
Either way, William explained to the Kelces that he and his girlfriend recently started talking about marriage and she has her heart set on a fall wedding. William's response to this was, apparently, "Good luck with that, I’m gonna be at a football game.”
Clearly, Caller William was counting on the Kelces' support for his anti-wedding, pro-football fall policy, since both brothers are, after all, famous for playing the game professionally. If so though, he was only half right, because, while Travis was in his corner, Jason was emphatically not—and he became increasingly frustrated with Travis' defense of vetoing an entire season of the year for weddings.
Before William even finished his question, the elder Kelce brother—who, it's worth noting, has been married for six years, while Travis and William were both coming at the issue from the perspective of Humans Who Have Never Navigated a Real Ass Marriage—muttered that it was "ridiculous" before quipping, "Sounds like this marriage is gonna work out great."
As for Travis, he acted like the question was ridiculous too, but more because he seemed a little incredulous about the very existence of fall weddings.
"I actually don't know people who have gotten married in the fall, because all the weddings I've been to and all my friends always do it in the summer, I guess," he explained before adding that Jason was "pretty spot on" about William's relationship and that he and his unnamed, fall wedding-loving girlfriend need to "be more in sync on things."
To his credit, Travis took the question really seriously and proceeded to offer William advice, offering up a series of pretty practical and specific suggestions for resolving the issue:
He started strong, with a call for compromise, saying, "You got to be willing to, you know, find a weekend where the team isn't playing anybody good, maybe," before zagging firmly back onto Team No Fall Weddings.
"Also, if you really do have a problem with that, maybe it's in her best interest to not have it in the fall, so that she knows you're invested in the anniversary every time it comes around," he added. "I think you guys should duke that out. I don't think we have any say on what you should be doing here."
Ultimately though, Travis came back to his original position with was that he's not convinced fall weddings even exist.
"I mean, I've seen weddings in fucking February," he added with no pause or discernible segue after his advice. "I've seen weddings everywhere but the fall, so I'm not sure if the fall is a good wedding season, brother, I'm gonna tell you right now."
At this point, Actual Married Person Jason could no longer deal and spoke up with some advice of his own for a strategy Travis didn't consider, which was, basically, Shut Up and Have a Fall Wedding Even If You Have to Miss a Day of Watching Football.
"Do the fall the wedding and avoid this frivolous fighting that means absolutely fucking nothing," Jason said with a tone of stern exasperation only a parent with three children under the age of six (and a fourth on the way) could so easily muster. "You can watch the football game another [time], like, record it and watch it again. Like, I don't know what you want me to say. There's certain things that are more important than football, and if the wedding isn't more important than football, we got some bigger issues here."
That might read like a mic drop moment that would end the segment, but it wasn't. Travis, still Team No Fall Weddings (/Skeptical Fall Weddings Exist), doubled down, abandoning any pretense of arguing for William and just taking the position on himself.
"Unless we got a big parlay," he said over Jason's cackling laughter, "and we gotta fucking [say] 'Sweetie, we got to make this money.'"
Of course, since there's no indication that Caller William makes any money via football, at this point, it started to feel like it had become personal for Travis, who jokingly added, "How do we pay for the booze at the wedding, if I can't make sure this parlay hits?"
And the debate didn't end there. Jason went on to point out that there are "a lot of days in the fall that there's not football," to which Travis challenged, "Name one."
Jason quickly pointed out that all Fridays would be available without interfering with football, but Travis was unswayed, arguing that weddings are "a weekend thing" and adding in a softer, sadder (almost vulnerable) tone, "Don't make my friends have to not go. Everybody's got season tickets, alright. Don't make my friends have to choose whether or not they have to sell their season tickets that week."
Right about now, you might be getting the sense that Travis' stance against fall weddings comes from a place of insecurity or drive for pathological people pleasing and even empathizing with him a little.
You might be, but Jason definitely wasn't. The former Philadelphia Eagles center was not moved at all by the image of anyone having to choose between missing one game in their season ticket packages or attending a friend's wedding and ended the conversation
"There's a lot more important things than football and weddings happen to be one of them," the six-year veteran of being in a successful marriage said. "And not arguing with your wife is high up there with [things that are] more important than football. So I would just do the wedding whenever she wants to, because that's kind of your job now."
That is where the epic Kelce Brother Wedding Planning Debate of 2025 ended, but I would have paid Eras Tour money for Taylor Swift to jump on the call and casually mention wanting a fall wedding right at that moment, if only to hear Travis say to her, "We need a big parlay, Tay."