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Newcastle Herald

Transport, cost of living and cannabis: Hunter candidates share their top priorities

Maitland candidates in the NSW state election.

THE Newcastle Herald asked all candidates in the Hunter Region's nine seats in the 2023 state election what their three priorities were for their electorate. This is what they said.


John Mackenzie.

1 John Mackenzie (Greens)

Fixing the housing crisis

Transition from coal and gas

Put public transport back into public hands

Thomas Triebsees.

2 Thomas Triebsees (Liberal Party)

Cost of living support

Deliver services and facilities for the community

Economic growth

Niko Leka.

3 Niko Leka (Socialist Alliance)

Solve the housing crisis: two-year rent freeze, build 100,000 sustainable dwellings in next five years

Cost of living: cap electricity, gas and water prices, return utilities to public ownership, free frequent and fast public transport, automatic indexation of wages to meet inflation/rising costs of living

Decriminalise protest: bipartisan support for fossil fuels means community will have to protest to have any hope of winning a safe climate

4 Tim Claydon (Legalise Cannabis Party)

End nanny state and legalise recreational cannabis for adults

Reform drug driving laws so medicinal cannabis users are not unfairly targeted

Create 5000 cannabis and hemp industry jobs in Hunter

Tim Crakanthorp.

5 Tim Crakanthorp (Labor)

Stockton beach: Labor has committed $21m to mass sand nourishment, holding the required approvals and ensuring the Stockton Beach Taskforce holds regular meetings

Fixing Newcastle transport and building infrastructure here: The privatisation of Newcastle's bus service has been a disaster. Labor will establish an industry taskforce and build infrastructure in NSW

Support the Hunter's transition and economic future: A clean energy transition authority is necessary to guide the region, leverage opportunities and ensure planning reflects the needs of the Hunter

Freya Taylor.

6 Freya Taylor (Sustainable Australia Party)

Preserving and passing on the Newcastle and Hunter region lifestyle for current and future generations

We need appropriate infrastructure, including more schools and hospitals before more housing

We need a science and evidence-based approach to policy rather than inappropriate influence by political donors


Tony Lonergan.

1 Tony Lonergan (Greens)

End coal and gas by 2030, increase royalties to fund fair transition

Stop logging native forests

Ban political donations from the gambling, coal and gas industries

James White.

2 James White (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party)

Mining and farming to find a compromise in Upper Hunter. Both industries provide resources, employment, and a strong economy

Regional spending and transparency: $3.6bn has been raised in mining royalties, how much of that comes back to mining communities, or is it being spent upgrading Sydney

The Singleton bypass: It's the same election promise we hear time and time again but never acted on

Dave Layzell.

3 Dave Layzell (Nationals)

Reducing cost of living pressures on families by continuing cost relief programs including regional seniors travel card, gas and family energy rebate, regional apprentice and university student travel card and Back to School vouchers

Providing better health facilities, such as the recently-announced $102m redevelopment of Scone Hospital and the delivery of the $45m Muswellbrook Hospital redevelopment

Replacing timber bridges and repairing as many local roads as possible through the Fixing Local and Country Roads programs and the Fixing Local Bridges program

Dale McNamara

4 Dale McNamara (Independent)

To fight for our frontline workers - our firies, nurses and paramedics and to do my best to support our school teachers as we are losing far too many

To protect our people's rights and to get better support and services for our pensioners

To fight for our coalmining industry and workers and bring back a fair share of coal royalties to Upper Hunter

Peree Watson.

5 Peree Watson (Labor)

Prioritise essential workers in health and education, including nurses, midwives, paramedics, and teachers

Prioritise regional roads

Secure jobs and retain energy and manufacturing job opportunities for our regional communities

Tom Lillicrap.

6 Tom Lillicrap (Legalise Cannabis Party)

End nanny state and legalise recreational cannabis for adults

Reform drug driving laws so medicinal cannabis users are not unfairly targeted

Create 5000 cannabis and hemp industry jobs in Hunter

Calum Blair.

7 Calum Blair (Sustainable Australia Party)

Better access to jobs in regional NSW. The state government should re-build a more diverse economy including a strong manufacturing base and programs to protect and restore our environment

Better balance and respect for needs of all communities in Hunter, including small business, farming and mining

Advocate for better investment in university and TAFE education in region


1 Jason Lesage (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party)

Regional healthcare: Funding and support for regional communities as well as staffing issues

Cost of living: Less privatisation of our essentials

Education: Supporting teachers and schools, fund basic requirements

Greg Piper.

2 Greg Piper (Independent)

Continue upgrading and widening the main road between the M1 at Morisset through to Fennell Bay, Speers Point and Argenton

Better public health services in southern Lake Macquarie including planning for a hospital at Morisset and incentives to bring GPs to the area

Tackle the housing crisis and bring down the cost of living, starting with the government providing rooftop solar to social housing and incentives for private landlords to do the same with rental properties

Felipe Gore-Escalante.

3 Felipe Gore-Escalante (Sustainable Australia Party)

Governments should invest in entrepreneurship to support our local economy

We need to protect our beautiful area from housing overdevelopment

Communities should be better connected through arts and local events

Joshua Beer.

4 Joshua Beer (Liberal Party)

Cost of living support

Strong economy


Steve Ryan.

5 Steve Ryan (Labor)

Upgrading roads and reducing traffic congestion from Argenton to Wyee

Improving our public schools by ensuring they are fully funded

Supporting our manufacturing industries and fighting for the next generation of Tangara trains to be built here

Kim Grierson.

6 Kim Grierson (Greens)

Action on climate change across our economy to have a safe, liveable future

Just transition to low emissions industries and support for workers and communities

More public and affordable housing and a fair deal for renters


Jodie Harrison.

1 Jodie Harrison (Labor)

Fix our health system: Patients are waiting longer for ambulances, in emergency and for elective surgery. I want more nurses and paramedics so people get the care they need

Improve access to housing: The housing crisis is leading more people to rely on social and public housing, but there has been a loss of stock and stock is often poorly maintained. Streamlining maintenance and building new stock will help alleviate pressures

Bring domestic manufacturing back: We can build trains in NSW. As our local economy changes we need to diversify our employment. Local manufacturing jobs are an essential part of this

Jack Antcliff.

2 Jack Antcliff (Liberal Party)

Cost of living support



Marie Rolfe.

3 Marie Rolfe (Sustainable Australia Party)

Diversify our economy away from simply property speculation and back into local manufacturing

Greater government support for local volunteer groups such as Meals on Wheels

Protection of animal habitats and our precious habitats and waterways

Greg Watkinson

4 Greg Watkinson (Greens)

A treaty process for First Nations people

Just transition for fossil fuel workers and communities

Rental protections and an end to unfair evictions


Alan Ellis.

1 Alan Ellis (Sustainable Australia Party)

I am against high-rise overdevelopment and if elected would seek community infrastructure investment into Swansea to stop it being the poor relation of Lake Macquarie

Encourage outdoor dining, identify a site for an outdoor music bowl, and encourage cultural richness, night life and the arts sector

Stricter controls on gambling advertising

Heather Foord.

2 Heather Foord (Greens)

Climate change: Protect our incredible beaches and bushlands

Job security: Ensuring every coal worker is guaranteed a secure job of equal or higher pay

Expanding Medicare: Meaning every Aussie can access free dental and mental health services asap

Megan Anderson.

3 Megan Anderson (Liberal Party)

Cost of living support



Yasmin Catley.

4 Yasmin Catley (Labor)

Dredging Swansea Channel: I have secured a commitment from Labor to carry out the overdue emergency dredging, as well as support the business case to guarantee the implementation of a 10-year dredging program

A NSW Labor government will review our region's transport network by establishing a bus industry taskforce, put an end to privatisation and ensure that public assets, including Hunter Water, remain in our hands

Local jobs and manufacturing: We must ensure local jobs by building the next Tangara fleet of trains here, creating the NSW Jobs First Commission and establishing the TAFE Manufacturing Centres of Excellence, including in the Hunter

5 Paul Jackson (Liberal Democrats)

Not available


Michelle Buckmaster.

1 Michelle Buckmaster (Animal Justice Party)

Save Port Stephens Koalas: Urgent action to protect Port Stephens Koalas, and to protect koala habitat and corridors from development and land clearing

Preserving the Port Stephens Marine Sanctuary: Urgent action to protect marine life. We need to disallow recreational fishing and ban personal watercraft such as jet skis in our marine parks

End 1080 poisoning: Ban the sale and use of 1080 in the Port Stephens electorate

Jordan Jensen.

2 Jordan Jensen (Greens)

Get exploitative corporates out of owning our water, energy and agriculture

Fixing our housing crisis

Support our local businesses and natural beauty by seriously addressing climate change

Angela Ketas.

3 Angela Ketas (Informed Medical Options Party)

Shine a spotlight in places where accountability is lacking

Provide all Australians with the power to make informed decisions about their health and way of life

Stop the poisoning of the people and the planet in order to achieve healthy people and a healthy planet

Kate Washington.

4 Kate Washington (Labor)

Build a public high school in Medowie

Invest $11.8m to fix Port Stephens' roads

Inject $2m into Port Stephens Koala Hospital

Nathan Errington.

5 Nathan Errington (Liberal Party)

Cost of living support



Mark Watson.

6 Mark Watson (One Nation)

Law and order: Employ more magistrates and have a reform of the sentencing system, in line with community expectation. More more police on the beat

Energy: Lift the ban of nuclear energy in NSW and have a strong mix of nuclear, coal, gas and renewables to drive down energy prices

Economy: If the everyday Aussie battler has to tighten their budget so should government

Beverley Jelfs.

7 Beverley Jelfs (Sustainable Australia Party)

Protect the beautiful environment of Port Stephens, including beaches and bushland

Stop overdevelopment of housing and apartments. We do not want to become another Sydney

Ensure new infrastructure such as schools, hospitals and transport comes before housing development


Rebecca Watkins.

1 Rebecca Watkins (Greens)

Make education free

Fix the housing crisis

Put public transport back into public hands

Anna Nolan.

2 Anna Nolan (Animal Justice Party)

End reliance on coal and look at ways to replenish the environment in mining areas. Protect natural resources, in particular water

Reduce the number of animals killed on roads. We need wildlife-friendly adjustments: overpasses, underpasses and virtual fencing trials

End the exploitation of all animals for entertainment. End horse, harness and greyhound racing as well as all wild and domestic animals in circuses, aquatic facilities and rodeos, plus funding for the rehabilitation and retirement of these animals

Pietro Di Girolamo.

3 Pietro Di Girolamo (One Nation)

Education: Back to basics, children learn the fundamentals of reading, writing and mathematics

Religious discrimination/freedom: Our faith, whether Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Protestant or Catholic is the foundation of our society. We learn to respect authorities and people

Rights of parents to determine what is being taught at school: This is not a responsibility parents abdicate when a child goes to school. Children live at home with their parents, and therefore we are best to determine what is best for them

Sonia Hornery.

4 Sonia Hornery (Labor)

Seeing the widening of the Ironbark Creek stormwater drains in Wallsend

Ensuring our public hospitals, Mater and John Hunter hospitals, are fully staffed and resourced as well as protecting our healthcare workforce

Seeing manufacturing jobs return to the Wallsend electorate especially train manufacturing at EDI Downer in Cardiff

Joshua Starrett.

5 Joshua Starrett (Independent)

World peace

Equal rights

Coke in the school bubblers

Callum Pull.

6 Callum Pull (Liberal Party)

Cost of living support

Supporting local families

Supporting local business

Paul Akers.

7 Paul Akers (Sustainable Australia Party)

Increase investment in our health system to ensure it is innovative and universally accessible

Make political lobbying and donations more transparent

Re-build a more diverse economy including a strong manufacturing base


Campbell Knox.

1 Campbell Knox (Greens)

Make education free

End coal and gas by 2030, increase royalties to fund fair transition

Fix the housing crisis

Michael Cooper.

2 Michael Cooper (Liberal Party)

Cost of living support

Being a true voice of our city

Strong economy

Neil Turner.

3 Neil Turner (One Nation)

NSW should be a global energy superpower with flourishing nuclear, coal, gas and renewable energy - each on a level playing field economically-speaking. By increasing energy supply and competition, consumers benefit from lower prices and reliability

Our economic plan tackles budget repair, productivity reform, housing affordability, fast tracking development, improved energy security and rebuilding investor confidence

Future planning: We need to plan for schools, hospitals and infrastructure before we find these vital services are inadequate

Sam Ferguson.

4 Sam Ferguson (Sustainable Australia Party)

Invest more into environmental protection including rehabilitation of mining sites and improvement of our air quality

Stop poorly-planned development, with inadequate infrastructure

Bring more government jobs to the regions, including manufacturing trains, light rail and buses for NSW

5 Alex Lee (Independent) 

Not available

6 Daniel Dryden (Legalise Cannabis Party)

End nanny state and legalise recreational cannabis for adults

Reform drug driving laws so medicinal cannabis users are not unfairly targeted

Create 5000 cannabis and hemp industry jobs in Hunter

Jenny Aitchison.

7 Jenny Aitchison (Labor)

Health: More hospital staff. Safe staffing levels (1:3 in the Emergency Department and 1:4 in the wards) to ensure patients are treated quickly. Financial assistance to train paramedics, nurses, doctors, and allied health professionals, employ 1200 new nurses across the state, and an additional 500 paramedics in the regions

Education: More teachers in classrooms so students can learn, convert temporary teachers to permanent, reduce unnecessary administrative loads, and get kids off their mobile devices and focused on learning. A $400m program will be used to hire more teachers, school counsellors and establish a tutoring program

Roads: $1.1bn package of road capital upgrades over next three years, bringing new and improved roads across NSW as well as $390m in immediate relief to councils, ratepayers and drivers through Labor's Regional Emergency Road Repair Scheme. Finish the duplication of the Thornton Rail Bridge


1 Andrew Fenwick (Legalise Cannabis Party)

End nanny state and legalise recreational cannabis for adults

Reform drug driving laws so medicinal cannabis users are not unfairly targeted

Create 5000 cannabis and hemp industry jobs in Hunter

Graham Jones.

3 Graham Jones (Sustainable Australia Party)

Invest in innovative thinking including scientific research in regional NSW. This includes productivity in the mining sector

Protect the liveability of Cessnock by ensuring any new housing developments are accompanied by proportional infrastructure and services, including hospitals, schools and transport

Further develop land stewardship funds to support relevant farmers and regional landholders to help manage biodiversity values on their properties

Quintin King.

4 Quintin King (One Nation)

Industry and local jobs: It is very frustrating not one elected member in the Hunter will stand up against net zero policies and the push towards 100% renewables that will have devastating consequences on thousands of families and businesses. It is unacceptable that we have outdated hospitals that are understaffed.

Economy/Cost of living: Support One Nation's Economic Plan to tackle budget repair, productivity reform, housing affordability, fast-tracking development, improved energy security and rebuilding investor confidence

Law and order: One Nation is the only party fighting to bring law and order back to our communities and I am working hard to get more police presence and re-open the Kurri Kurri police station

Victoria Davies

5 Victoria Davies (Animal Justice Party)

Protecting our wildlife from overdevelopment

Ending the greyhound racing industry

A cap on Air BnBs. Our local residents are suffering, unable to find affordable housing due to the impact of short-stay rentals

Llynda Nairn.

6 Llynda Nairn (Greens)

Mandate ratios for nurses, and deliver a 15% wage increase for nurses, midwives, and paramedics

End logging of public native forests now

A just transition for all workers in coalmining and related Industries

Clayton Barr.

7 Clayton Barr (Labor)

Education: We have to be helped, by the government, to shift our educational outcomes, which are currently, sadly, very low. We need to properly fund our local schools and rebuild our regional TAFEs to bridge the skills gap

Health: Labor will ensure our hospitals and emergency services receive the funding and support they deserve

Housing and homelessness: Too many people in our communities are unable to put a roof over their heads and food in their belly. Action is required, immediately

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